For the CNN official, today's show is the last of 2019. For me it's not. I will repost the previous shows which couldn't be posted before. CARL AZUZ, CNN 10 ANCHOR: Web casting from, pod casting on ITunes and now available at is CNN 10. I...
1 minute read Published 6:51 PM EDT, Wed September 25, 2019 CNN10 - 9/26/19 10:00 September 26, 2019 A down-the-middle explanation of events surrounding an impeachment inquiry is our first topic today. You’ll hear several voices and perspectives about the political news coming out ...
1 minute read Published 6:38 PM EDT, Mon September 9, 2019 CNN10 - 9/10/19 10:00 September 10, 2019 Events around the world (and beyond) take us far and wide today on CNN 10. An Indian mission to the moon, a pair of typhoons in Asia, and the “battle for the Balkans” ...
A change in United States policy concerning the nation of Israel. That's what's first today on CNN 10. I'm Carl Azuz, grateful you're spending 10 minutes of your day with us. This week the Trump Administration announced that the establishment of Israeli settlements in theWest Bankis not ...
View the latest news and breaking news today for U.S., world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at
3:09 a.m. 17:01:27, January 18, 2019 House GOP can't change shutdown vote until next week From CNN's Ashley Killough Al Drago/Getty Images The House will come back into session today and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer will ask for unanimous consent to vacate its vote on the con...
Next today, Boeing passenger planes model 737 MAX 8 and 9 have been grounded in the U.S. and Canada. 下则消息,美国和加拿大停飞波音客机737MAX 8和MAX 9。 The two nations announced their decision yesterday afternoon. 两国在昨天下午宣布了这一决定。 At that point, they've been the only two...
And today's first topic concerns the United States and Russia. 今天首条新闻与美国和俄罗斯有关。 On Friday the U.S. government announced its plans to pull out of the international agreement that concerns nuclear weapons. 周五,美国政府宣布计划退出一份涉及核武器的国际协议。 On Saturday, the Russia...
导读:26日,7户来自越南河静省的家庭和5户来自越南乂安省的家庭向当地人民委员会报案,称家庭成员疑似在英国失踪。目前已有14个越南家庭报案。 来 源丨综合自央视新闻、中国日报 据央视新闻引越南每日快讯26日最新消息称,26日,7户来自河静省的家庭和5户来自乂安省的家庭向当地人民委员会报案,称家庭成员疑似在英国失踪...
“C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2019.3.2\plugins\python-ce\helpers\pydev\” --multiproc --qt-support=auto --client --port 59562 --file C:/Users/orben/PycharmProjects/IKnowFirst/generic_trade_success/ C:\Users\orben\Py...