So a tale of two extremes leading things off for us today on CNN 10. 两种极端天气的消息开启了今天的CNN10分钟新闻节目。 But for the U.S. at least, relief is in sight and it will be a dramatic change. 不过至少对美国来说,马上就可以得到缓解,而且还将出现戏剧性的变化。 This week in Chi...
CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):美国快时尚品牌Forever21申请破产 全球关店350家 2019-10-12 CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):大规模抗议致伊拉克再次陷入动荡 2019-10-14关键字: 讲解 CNN 降雪 冬季风暴 上一篇:CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):通乌门 下一篇:CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):加州 发布...
And the last time there was a shutdown in 2019, there were major delays at airports across the country because many had to call out sick to find other ways to make money. During a shutdown, according to the White House, the Environmental Protection Agency would roll back most of its ins...
Prosecutors say the cheating was carried out mostly without the student's knowledge according to ABC News 检察官表示,据美国广播公司报道,大多数作弊行为是在学生不知情的情况下进行的, and that it was done to get them in to schools like Yale, Georgetown, Stanford and the University of Southern Ca...
CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):研究发现摄入过多咖啡因会增加引发偏头痛的几率 2019-08-15 CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):埃博拉病毒或将可治疗 两种新药能显著降低死亡率 2019-08-16 CNN双语新闻(翻译+字幕+讲解):美债收益率倒挂拉响衰退警报 道指重挫800点 2019-08-19关键字: 讲解 CNN 爆炸 俄罗斯 导弹 上...
he is doing at even a higher level than what he originally promised would happen. Even the liberal outlet Politico, where we take today’s story from, is having to acknowledge that President Trump, against all odds, is keeping his border wall promise. You ju...
Click here to access the printable version of today’s CNN 10 transcript. CNN 10 serves a growing audience interested in compact on-demand news broadcasts ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom. The show’s priority is to identify stories of international significance and ...
“Grace recently finished chemotherapy and today shows no evidence of the disease. She is determined to help other children who are fighting cancer,” said the White House. Watch: 11:10 a.m. 12:36:40, February 6, 2019 Trump makes bipartisan policy pitches: infrastructure and prescription...
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