CNBH-10 m: A first Chinese building height at 10 m resolution: 寒假的科研任务里需要用到建筑物高度数据,在网上冲浪发现了这个CNBH-10m的数据集,在论文中CNBH-10m数据开源链接,发现是按UTM分带投影分别提供的栅格数据,手动根据研究区选择一个一个下载太无聊了,就试了下基于R的批量下载方法,在知乎分享下,...
A first Chinese building height estimate at 10 m resolution (CNBH-10 m) using multi-source earth observations and machine learning Remote Sensing of Environment Volume 291,1 June 2023, Page 113578 Purchase options CorporateFor R&D professionals working in corporate organizations. ...
To date, however, there is no high resolution (<30 m) map of building height on a national scale. In filling this research gap, this study aims to develop a first Chinese building height map at 10 m resolution (CNBH-10 m) based on data from an open-source earth observation ...
The building height map developed in this study with a resolution of 10 m is open access, provides insights into the 3D morphological characteristics of cities and serves as an important contribution to future urban studies in China. 展开
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