CNBH-10 m: A first Chinese building height at 10 m resolution: 寒假的科研任务里需要用到建筑物高度数据,在网上冲浪发现了这个CNBH-10m的数据集,在论文中CNBH-10m数据开源链接,发现是按UTM分带投影分别提供的栅格数据,手动根据研究区选择一个一个下载太无聊了,就试了下基于R的批量下载方法,在知乎分享下,...
To date, however, there is no high resolution (<30 m) map of building height on a national scale. In filling this research gap, this study aims to develop a first Chinese building height map at 10 m resolution (CNBH-10 m) based on data from an open-source earth observation p...
Macau has the tallest buildings (22.3 m) among Chinese cities, while Shanghai has the largest building volume (298.4 108 m3). The strong correlation between modelled building volume and socio-economic parameters indicates the potential application of building height products. The building height map ...
Sign in A first Chinese building height estimate at 10 m resolution (CNBH-10 m) using multi-source earth observations and machine learning Remote Sensing of Environment Volume 291,1 June 2023, Page 113578 Purchase options CorporateFor R&D professionals working in corporate organizations. ...
There's a strong cultural scene in Tartu Come summer,Tartu’scultural scene becomes even more lively than usual, with festivals and performances celebrating everything from street art to jazz. Take a sunny walk over the Angel’s ...