卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University,简称CMU)坐落于美国宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡,是一所拥有14,800名在校学生和1,483名教职及科研人员的大学,被誉为“新常春藤”之一。除了在匹兹堡,CMU还在美国硅谷及卡塔尔设有校区,且在世界各地设...
Kent, Jim
The countdown is on, with history being made right here in Pittsburgh as Astrobotic's lunar lander finally goes to the moon with Carnegie Mellon's rover on board.
This blog post is centered around these questions. It is most useful if you are a computer science student aiming to study machine learning and, in particular, natural language processing in the US, but most of the information here is equally valid for any field of research and any country....
I applied to two years in Pittsburgh, even though I want to work at the federal level eventually. I have a significant other to take in to consideration. We are not applying to graduate school at the same time, but I don't want to uproot him after one year in his first professional ...
Pat was in charge of a student blood drive and had just come to Children's Hospital Los Angeles for a meeting.And he says it was weird:whenever he told someone he went to St.Francis High School,they all said, "Oh,you must know Jim Connor.Isn't he wonderful? "...
For Iryna Zenyuk, chess is taking a back seat these days to aPh.D. in mechanical engineering at...Sostek, Anya
It is most useful if you are a computer science student aiming to study machine learning and, in particular, natural language processing in the US, but most of the information here is equally valid for any field of research and any country. The choice of grad school that is right for you...