先修课要求:In order to be eligible for consideration for the Accelerated Master of Human-Computer Interaction Program, students must: be CMU undergraduates in the BS in HCI major or HCI additional major (HCI minors and H...
一.卡内基梅隆大学介绍与ETC介绍 首先,简单介绍一下卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University,简称CMU)是美国东部著名的顶尖私立研究型大学,位于美国宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡,是一所享誉全球的著名私立学府。 CMU成立于1900年,由安德鲁·卡内基创立。安德鲁·卡内基是匹兹堡成功的企业家也是著名的慈善家。他创立了世界上最大的...
研究生1: Carnegie Mellon UniversityMajor: Computational Biology 大家可能会有点奇怪为什么我从一个生物狗就变成了一个码农狗,这个问题可能等你预约我后我和你絮絮叨唠,但是结局就是,我在本科三年多毕业之后去了全美压力排名第二名的Carnegie Mellon University,就读的专业虽然还是和生物有一定的关系吧,但是因为隶...
Q: Words like “student”, “semester”, and “homework” seem like very general SDG4 keywords when mapping to SDG4. When mapping to course descriptions, wouldn’t this tag almost every course with SDG4? A: Yes. Thus, we filtered out words that were too general among course descriptions...
" stated Decker. "He has been successful at every level and we are confident that he will continue that tradition here at Saginaw Valley. We are extremely pleased that Coach Jaksa has brought his coaching and teaching talents to our University and that he will be leading our stu...