一、CMU INI 整体介绍 CMU有很多学院,比如全美顶尖的商学院Tepper School、诞生了大量奥斯卡/艾美奖得主的戏剧学院、公共关系管理学院Heinz College、工程学院Carnegie Institute of Technology以及艺术学院等,这些学院都是很多同学申请时的考虑对象。而本文要讲的INI就设在工程学院CIT下,它提供了五个项目任学生选择,分别...
Master of Science in Product Management MSPM研究生项目是由CMU排名第一的TEPPER商学院Tepper School of Business和计算机科学学院 School of Computer Science共同开设的。 在一年制时间内,学生将通过专业课程、实习和重点项目来锻炼和提升产品管理等职业技能。 特别值得一提的是,这个世界性首创的学位项目,将会为毕业生...
MBA项目除全日制项目外,还开设有非全日制项目(Part-Time On-Campus)以及远程教育(Part-Time Online Hybrid)项目。还与其他学院科系共同开设有一系列双学位项目,具体请见商学院申请说明。 专业设置 卡耐基梅隆大学MBA项目设有以下专业方向,分别是: 会计(Accounting) ...
5.公共政策与管理学院,School of Public Policy & Management Master of Science in Public Policy & Management (MSPPM),Data Analytics pathway(MSPPM-DA),培养学生掌握数据和分析技术来改变为公众服务的组织,MSPPM-DA毕业生在政策领域拥有真正独特的技能,并深受雇主的青睐。学制是2年。 毕业的学生多是去政府、非...
Homeschooled: Ready or Not for College. Oh, that’s right. Pitt. Bring thousands of students to the Black and Gold City. Great for business, bad for parking. 1 A love of learning and self-edification. I didn’t see college as burden. Yes, it was the “next step ...I don’t.....
该项目设置在西北大的专业研究学院(School of Professional Studies,简称SPS),此前仅有网络兼读形式(online part-time)。从2023秋开始,开设一年实地全日制形式(on-campus full-time)。另外,该项目申请不要求GMAT/GRE。 项目名称:Accelerated Ma...
来源:https://onlinedegrees.sandiego.edu/artificial-intelligence-salary-guide/ 最近,“Nature Index Supplements 2024 AI”发布了全球AI研究领域领先的TOP100高校榜单,作为申请AI相关专业的学生,这份榜单值得认真参考。 《Nature》杂志的...
Create effective online educational courseware by learning the basics of tutor creation. Use software engineering techniques to create these tutors. Design an appropriate curriculum using the latest theories. 项目时长:1 year 项目申请截止日期:Early Deadline: Dec 2, 2019;Final Deadline: Dec 12, 2019...
Under the agreement, students will receive academic credits at both institutions and will be governed by each school’s policies. SFCC will serve as the "home institution," with CMU as the "host institution" until students complete their associate degrees. Additionally, students will benefit from ...
Assistant Professor of Business Technologies. Courtesy Assistant Professor of Computer Science. Tepper School of Business. Pittsburgh, PA 15213. I am primarily interested in. 2 Bounding Boolean functions. 3 Linearized Belief Propagation. My work is generously supported by an NSF CAREER Award and I ...