(Business) 项目名称 :商务 项目网址 :http://tepper.cmu.edu/prospective-students/undergraduate/business 基本申请要求 : GPA :数据正在更新中,请前往“项目网址”查看~GRE :数据正在更新中,请前往“项目网址”查看~ 雅思:数据正在更新中,请前往“项目网址”查看~学位 :综合排名25 ...
宾州州立*帕克分校 宾夕法尼亚州立*的Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)专门负责对不定专业的同学进行学术指导,并且还为大家设计了完整的发展路径图。 首先,学生可以和学术指导老师沟通,探索校内各个学术领域,确定自己的课程计划,然后积极参与相关活动,*后选出适合自己的专业。 以上就是10所*适合不定专业同学...
The article presents an interview with Milton Cofield, executive director for undergraduate business administration at Carnegie Mellon University's Tepper School of Business. Cofield shares his views on the shift toward professionalization of the business degree. He also talks about the early decisions ...
Because the undergraduate computer science curricula are roughly the same, you will need some other ...
宾夕法尼亚州立大学的Division of Undergraduate Studies (DUS)专门负责对不定专业的同学进行学术指导,并且还为大家设计了完整的发展路径图。 首先,学生可以和学术指导老师沟通,探索校内各个学术领域,确定自己的课程计划,然后积极参与相关活动,最后选出适合自己的专业。
(毕竟自己的专业还是要吹一吹);文学院和CS院合办的stats and machine learning,我校应该是美国唯一一所本科就有machine learning专业的大学;information system也是少有人知的一个很强壮的program;哦对我们的商学院tepper school of business好像全美排名也很靠前;另外数学系和商学院合办的项目mathematical finance简直...
The ceremony, held at Guanghua School of Management, was attended by Oliver Hahl, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs at Tepper, Jennifer Wegner, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Programs, and Diane Rulke, Distinguished Servic...
Pick-up 地点为: Hamburg Hall University Center (Forbes Avenue in front of building) Margaret Morrison Plaza (MM Storefronts) GSIA/Tepper School of Business (at the corner of Tech Frew streets) Porter Hall(lower Frew Street exit) 3) 详细的信息请参见: /police/...
学校的 McCombs School of Business 开设有本科阶段学生就可学习的商科领域专业,包括会计、金融、国际商业、市场、商业分析等等。 资料来源: https://www.mccombs.utexas.edu/undergraduate/bba/academics/majors/finance/ 被金融...
CMU is a global research university known for its world-class, interdisciplinary programs: arts, business, computing, engineering, humanities, policy and science.. Reviews, coupons, analysis, whois, global ranking and traffic for cmu.edu. Learn more abou