admit there are many positions in bank IT does shit work but usually people from good school ...
the Department of Mathematical Sciences in the Mellon College of Science and the Tepper School of ...
我们那一届大概是这个项目44%的同学是数学和统计背景,30%有包括一些business,finance背景,剩下会有engineering,computer science的背景,我感受比较多的还是学数学和统计的同学,他们一般会辅修金融或者是CS,GPA成绩大概是3.8,GRE平均水平169+159,建议大家在平均左右再用一些文书的部分去弥补自己可能不足的部分。 总的来...
_?),选校时主要考虑了项目的placement、地理位置以及项目时长,申请的每一个项目我都很心水,任性的选了Santa Clara这种“硅谷蓝翔”,也任性的没有申和我bg对应的保底校,全部是偏tech的STEM专业,在此安利一下今年的大热“Business Analytics”。
CMU has the strongest alumni network in the IT field. It will be my great honor to become a member of this family. Q2: Describe your background in engineering; computer science and other fields particularly related to your objectives, include any industrial or commercial work experience. 1500 ...
如果大家对这个项目的就业感兴趣可以去一个网站quantnet ranking上面看一下这个项目会有详细的讲他的一些评分,包括就业比例,还有alumni的评分,国内也是不错的,我觉得国内的认可度也是挺好的,因为我是准备去香港工作,去的投行里面也是有我们学校的校友,所以我觉得校友还是不错的资源,包括在内地或者是香港,新加坡都有...
mentor是上几届的alumni,你可以根据mentor的职业状况选择与自己有相同背景或者事业领域的mentor。 如果他/她也选择你的话,你们可以通过邮件,电话,甚至面对面会议进行学业和就业上的交流,从而帮助你在职业生涯规划上作准备。 此外,我们学院会邀请我们去一些在纽约和华盛顿的career fair,...
推荐老师一定要和申请方向相关,如果请一名物理系教授写金融项目的推荐信,招生官并不能从中看到项目所关注的品质,纯属浪费推荐老师的精力。另外,如果老师和申请项目有connection或者是alumni就更好啦~ (3)PS:申请季开始,硬件已成定局,PS就成了最重要的部分,写PS的过程很煎熬,当时和好多师兄师姐实习老板聊以后的...
计算机四个不同背景的学院(the Department of Statistics & Data Science in the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Heinz College of Information Systems and Public Policy, the Department of Mathematical Sciences in the Mellon College of Science and the Tepper School of Business)的...
the Department of Mathematical Sciences inthe Mellon College of Science and the Tepper School of Business. Thejoint venture between these four colleges enables MSCF to offer a tight integration of statistics, computer science, mathematics and finance - the four disciplines underlying computational finance...