1、b)通胀升高3%,rfr会相应升高 c)图sml的线,在坐标轴内,横轴是β,纵轴是收益率E(R),截距为RFR,斜率为市场收益率-无风险收益率(Rmkt-RFR)a)画证券市场线,这个这里不太好画,你按我下面提示试试,不行就只能抄抄你同学的了 2、a)计算收益率,就是最基础的CAPM公式,E(R)=RFR...
while CML’s full form isCapital Market Line. Both SML and CML relate to the risk and return on investment. Even though the two terms sound familiar and relate to the same thing, in reality, they are very different from each other. The primary difference between the two concepts is ...
are usually found above the SML or CML, and they are always underpriced and vice versa. Several different exogenous variables can impact the slope of the security market line. For example, the real interest rate in the economy might change; inflation may pick up or slow down; or a recession...
The Capital Market Line (CML) and the Security Market Line (SML) are two important concepts in finance that help investors understand the relationship between risk and return within the context of their investment decisions. While they share similarities, they have distinct differences that we can ...