CME ERROR: 1 No connection to phone CME ERROR: 2 Phone adapter link reserved CME ERROR: 3 Operation not allowed CME ERROR: 4 Operation not supported CME ERROR: 5 PH_SIM PIN required CME ERROR: 6 PH_FSIM PIN required CME ERROR: 7 PH_FSIM PUK required CME ERROR: 10 SIM not inserted ...
CMS的错误:209条短信储存在SIM卡没有能力 CMS的错误:在MS Error 210 CMS的错误:内存容量超过211 CMS的错误:212 SIM应用工具包忙 CMS的错误:213 SIM数据下载错误 CMS的错误:255未指定的错误的原因 CMS的错误:300 ME的失败 CMS的错误:301短信Me服务预留 CMS的错误:不允许操作302 CMS的错误:303不支持的操作 CMS...
CME ERROR: 132 Service operation not supported CME ERROR: 133 Requested service option not subscribed CME ERROR: 134 Service option temporary out of order CME ERROR: 148 Unspecified GPRS error CME ERROR: 149 PDP authentication failure CME ERROR: 150 Invalid mobile class CME ERROR: 256 Operation ...
CMS的错误:209条短信储存在SIM卡没有能力 CMS的错误:在MS Error 210 CMS的错误:内存容量超过211 CMS的错误:212 SIM应用工具包忙 CMS的错误:213 SIM数据下载错误 CMS的错误:255未指定的错误的原因 CMS的错误:300 ME的失败 CMS的错误:301短信Me服务预留 CMS的错误:不允许操作302 CMS的错误:303不支持的操作 CMS...
CMS ERROR: 302 Operation not allowed CMS ERROR: 303 Operation not supported CMS ERROR: 304 Invalid PDU mode parameter CMS ERROR: 305 Invalid Text mode parameter CMS ERROR: 310 SIM not inserted CMS ERROR: 311 SIM PIN required CMS ERROR: 312 PH-SIM PIN required ...
P004G302 —— Cisco CME 2.1 ata18x-v2-15-ms-020927a.zup —— P00403020209 — S00103020002 —— P003G302 P003G302 — P00503010100 P00303020209 P00303020209 Cisco CME 3.0 ata18x-v2-16-ms-030327b.zup CP79020101SCCP030326A.SBIN CP79050101SCCP030404A.SBIN P00403020214 CP79120101SCCP030404A...
CMS的错误:在MSError210 CMS的错误:内存容量超过211 CMS的错误:212SIM应用工具包忙 CMS的错误:213SIM数据下载错误 CMS的错误:255未指定的错误的原因 CMS的错误:300ME的失败 CMS的错误:301短信Me服务预留 CMS的错误:不允许操作302 CMS的错误:303不支持的操作 ...
This is the repository containing the python source code for the edge detection algorithm described in the paper of the same name. - CME-Image-Edge-Detection-in-Python-from-STEREO-data/src/ at main · MDNich/CME-Image-Edge-Detection-i
2989: *Sep 15 13:37:02.974: //4294967295/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CUBE_VT/SIP/MISC/Error: sipSPI_sip_BWCAC_calc_max_audio_bw: could not find max bw codec!!!2990: *Sep 15 13:37:02.974: //4294967295/xxxxxxxxxxxx/CUBE_VT/SIP/MISC/Call Disconnect: Initiated at: 0x260070A, Originated at:0x260070B...
22 Number changed 302 Moved temporarily 27 Destination out of order 404 Not found 28 Address incomplete 484 Address incomplete 29 Facility rejected 501 Not implemented 31 Normal unspecified 404 Not found 34 No circuit available 503 Service unavailable 38 Network out of order 41 Temporary ...