CME ERROR 30 是一个与 GSM 设备相关的错误代码,通常在使用 AT 命令与 GSM 模块通信时遇到。以下是关于 CME ERROR 30 的详细解释和解决方案: 1. CME ERROR 30 的具体含义和来源 含义:CME ERROR 30 表示“无网络服务”。这意味着 GSM 模块当前无法连接到任何可用的移动网络。 来源:这个错误代码是由 GSM 设...
The rate of CME deflection is clearly fastest close to the Sun where magnetic forces dominate. The analysis of 14 CMEs by Isavnin et al. (2014) showed that about 60% of the total evolution from the Sun to Earth orbit takes place in the corona, i.e., within about first 20–30\(R...
message(FATAL_ERROR "${APP} is not a valid application.\nValid Applications are: ${VALID_APPS}") @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ set(MOVING_NEST OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable moving nest code") set(OPENMP ON CACHE BOOL "Enable OpenMP threading") set(PARALLEL_NETCDF OFF CACHE BOOL "Enable parallel Net...
The application of the empirical model for 80 CME-ICME events shows that the relative error of Dst is within 30% for 59% events with Dstmin鈮 -50 nT, while the averaged absolute error of transit time is lower than 10 h for all events.中国科学:技术科学(英文版)ZHAOXinhuaFENGXueshangZHAO...
The error bars are representative 1-σ parameter uncertainties derived from the LFF model (e.g., see Lepping et al., 2003, Lynch et al., 2005). We have applied these to every model and the MHD values. The parameter uncertainties are taken to be σϕ=30°,σθ=20°,σ(p0/Rc)=...
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