CME ERROR: 1 No connection to phone CME ERROR: 2 Phone adapter link reserved CME ERROR: 3 Operation not allowed CME ERROR: 4 Operation not supported CME ERROR: 5 PH_SIM PIN required CME ERROR: 6 PH_FSIM PIN required CME ERROR: 7 PH_FSIM PUK required CME ERROR: 10 SIM not inserted ...
error report +CEER 25 5.6 DTMF signals +VTD, +VTS 25 5.7 Redial last telephone number ATDL 26 5.8 Automatic dialing with DTR AT%Dn 26 5.9 Automatic answer ATS0 27 5.10 Incoming Call Bearer +CICB 28 5.11 Single Numbering Scheme +CSNS 28 5.12 Gain control +VGR, +VGT 29 5.13 Microphone ...
CME ERROR: 132 Service operation not supported CME ERROR: 133 Requested service option not subscribed CME ERROR: 134 Service option temporary out of order CME ERROR: 148 Unspecified GPRS error CME ERROR: 149 PDP authentication failure CME ERROR: 150 Invalid mobile class CME ERROR: 256 Operation ...
“CME ERROR: 13”是一个在GSM设备中通过AT命令通信时可能遇到的错误代码。CME代表“Custom Mobile Equipment Error”,意味着该错误与移动设备本身相关。错误代码13通常表示“SIM failure”,即SIM卡故障。 2. 可能导致“CME ERROR: 13”的原因 SIM卡损坏:SIM卡物理损坏或内部数据损坏可能导致无法被设备正确读取。 S...
CMS ERROR: 1 Unassigned number CMS ERROR: 8 Operator determined barring CMS ERROR: 10 Call bared CMS ERROR: 21 Short message transfer rejected CMS ERROR: 27 Destination out of service CMS ERROR: 28 Unindentified subscriber CMS ERROR: 29 Facility rejected ...
鼎利ATU +CMEERROR:SIMnotinserted错误可能什么原因 开机modem一直红灯 日志: ShareBuffer=b6aff000, by /test/usbdsploop[MESSAGE] libusbdsploop.c: Line: 375; 1115 19:45:26: usbdsp channel count is 0.[ERROR] libusbdsploop.c: Line: 378; 1115 19:45:26: no usb dsp found!ShareBuffer=b6aaf...
+CME ERROR: 258 AT+COPS? +COPS: 0,0,“O2 - CZ”,0 OK AT+CREG? +CREG: 0,5 OK Thank you for your time and your help! Kind regards Eddy kcbikeDecember 7, 2021, 4:35pm2 i had the same problem, if connect to GSM network it works fine, but when come to LTE network it keep...
GSM SM5100B CMEERROR:4错误GSM SM5100B CMEERROR:4错误 我正在使用Arduino来控制SM5100B GSM设备,一切正常,除非我想在收到另一个后发送短信。我明白了, 错误代码: OK> + CMGS:2 5 OK + CMEERROR:4 我处理上述收到短信的代码: #include <SoftwareSerial.h> //Include the NewSoftSerial library to send...
CMS的错误:534小区广播error未知 CMS的错误:535协议栈忙 CMS的错误:538无效的参数 以下是最常见的芝加哥商品交易所的错误: CME的错误:0电话失败 CME的错误:1无连接到电话 CME的错误:2电话适配器的连接预留 CME的错误:3操作不允许 CME的错误:4不支持的操作 ...
1.2 Data measurement adn error Transcription errors Survivorship bias Appraisal data 1.3 The limitation of historical estimates Change of regime ——> the data is non-stationary——>Choose part of the data——>Higher frequency data asynchronous asynchronous:异步的;不同时的;不同期的 1.4 Ex Post Risk...