"vendor": { "example.com/ExampleIDE/1.0": { "autoFormat": false } } } 知乎的markdown导入真是让人捉急,直接把csdn链接贴过来吧。 https://blog.csdn.net/hashkitty/article/details/124747421
这些配置不会被 CMake 解释,而是供供应商的工具或 IDE 使用。 {"version":3,"vendor":{"example.com/ExampleIDE/1.0":{"projectSettings":{"theme":"dark","codeStyle":"google"},"buildSettings":{"parallelJobs":8,"useCcache":true}}},"configurePresets":[{"name":"default","displayName":"Defau...
{sourceDir}/out/build/${presetName}","architecture": {"value":"x64","strategy":"external"},"cacheVariables": {"CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE":"Debug","CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX":"${sourceDir}/out/install/${presetName}"},"vendor": {"microsoft.com/VisualStudioSettings/CMake/1.0": {"hostOS": ["...
{ "version": 3, "vendor": { "conan": {} }, "cmakeMinimumRequired": { "major": 3, "minor": 15, "patch": 0 }, "configurePresets": [ { "name": "relwithdebinfo", "displayName": "'relwithdebinfo' config", "description": "'relwithdebinfo' configure using 'Ninja' generator"...
{presetName}","installDir":"${sourceDir}/out/install/${presetName}","cacheVariables": {"CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE":"Debug"},"condition": {"type":"equals","lhs":"${hostSystemName}","rhs":"Darwin"},"vendor": {"microsoft.com/VisualStudioRemoteSettings/CMake/1.0": {"sourceDir":"$env{HOME}/...
"vendor": { "microsoft.com/VisualStudioSettings/CMake/1.0": { "intelliSenseMode": "linux-gcc-arm" } Thedebugconfiguration preset used on the command simply inherits from thestm32-basepreset: "configurePresets": [ { ... { "name": "debug", ...
It also allows us to have “vendor-specific” data in the presets file that can allow VS to do more with the presets than CMake can. If you are experiencing a bug in Visual Studio as a result of us generating the command line, please let us know and we’ll fix it...
{presetName}", "cacheVariables": { "CMAKE_C_COMPILER": "icx-cl", "CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER": "icx-cl" }, "vendor": { "microsoft.com/VisualStudioSettings/CMake/1.0": { "intelliSenseMode": "windows-clang-x64" } }, "condition": { "type": "eq...
"vendor": {} } ], "buildPresets": [ { "name": "default", "configurePreset": "default" }, { "name": "rpm", "configurePreset": "rpm" }, { "name": "asan", "configurePreset": "asan" @@ -50,7 +75,7 @@ }, "execution": { "noTestsAction": "error", "stopOnFailure": ...
Previously, all loaded presets got a Default toolchain linked to the corresponding CMake Profiles. This might not be appropriate for most cases, so we added the ability to select atoolchainalready configured in CLion for a preset. To configure it, use the vendor specific fields in configure pre...