set(cmake_include_current_dir on)解释 `set(cmake_include_current_dir ON)`是一个CMake命令,用于设置CMake的行为方式。这个命令指示CMake在查找头文件时包括当前目录。 详细解释如下: 在CMake中,当你在代码中引用一个头文件(例如`include ""`或`include<>`),CMake需要知道去哪里找这个头文件。默认情况下...
This project demonstrates the usage of `CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR` when it gets set in an included cmake module. - kwk/cmake-example-CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR
Hi. Line 86 of cmakelists is: include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}) However, it does not do what it is actually supposed to do. CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is "The path to the top level of the source tree." While clea...
I am trying to modernize my CMAKE knowledge and ran into an issue that others have fixed with quoting that did not work here. I like to include...
CMake Error at C:Repos\CenterFace\prj-opencv-cpp\CMakeLists.txt:15: Parse error. Expected a newline, got identifier with text "d". demo C:\Repos\CenterFace\prj-opencv-cpp\CMakeLists.txt 15 code: include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/cpp)d ...