e CharReader and CharReaderBuilder instead [PROJECT_PATH\manifesttest.vcxproj] PROJECT_PATH\ManifestTest.cpp(27,16): warning C4996: 'Json::Reader::parse': Use CharReader and CharReaderBuilder instead. [PROJECT_PATH\manifesttest.vcxproj] PROJECT_PATH\ManifestTest.cpp(29,43): warning C4996: 's...
Checking Build System Building Custom Rule PROJECT_PATH/CMakeLists.txt ManifestTest.cpp PROJECT_PATH\ManifestTest.cpp(24,11): warning C4996: 'Json::Reader': Use CharRe ader and CharReaderBuilder instead. [PROJECT_PATH\manifesttest.vcxproj] PROJECT_PATH\ManifestTest.cpp(24,18): warning C4996:...
C4800 - 'type' : forcing value to bool 'true' or 'false' (performance warning) C4996 - 'function': was declared deprecated C4251 is of particular note, if you are compiling the Protocol Buffer library as a DLL (see previous section). The protocol buffer library uses templates in its ...
warning C4996: 'wcscpy': This function or variable may be unsafe. Consider using wcscpy_s instead warning C6387: 'fStream' could be '0': this does not adhere to the specification for the function 'fclose'. warning LNK4006: ...already defined in FIA_videoMode.obj; second definition ign...
set( WARNING_FLAGS -Wall ) endif(CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) if (CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") set( WARNING_FLAGS "-Wall -Wno-overloaded-virtual" ) endif() if(WIN32 AND MSVC) # C4996: The compiler encountered a deprecated declaration. # C4090: 'function' : different 'co...
"C4996" # The POSIX name for this item is deprecated. # Instead, use the ISO C and C++ conformant name ) elseif(CMAKE_C_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Intel") add_definitions(-D_CRT_SUPPRESS_RESTRICT) set(MSVC_DISABLED_WARNINGS_LIST "C111" # Unreachable statement "C128" # Unreachable ...
树莓派Pico的mpy例子,写几个作为参考使用: import machine import utime sensor_temp = machine.ADC(4) conversion_factor = 3.3 / (65535) while True: reading = sensor_temp.read_u16() * conversion_factor temperature = 27 - (reading - 0.706)/0.001721 print(temp ...
# googletest suppresses warning C4996 via a pragma, but clang-cl does not # honor it. Suppress it here to compensate. See https://crbug.com/772117. set(C_CXX_FLAGS "${C_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-declarations") else() if(EMSCRIPTEN) # emscripten's emcc/clang does not accept...
PROJECT_PATH\ManifestTest.cpp(27,16): warning C4996: 'Json::Reader::parse': Use CharReader and CharReaderBuilder instead. [PROJECT_PATH\manifesttest.vcxproj] PROJECT_PATH\ManifestTest.cpp(29,43): warning C4996: 'strerror': This function ...
Required since at least C++98, but funny MSVC throws a warning. # C4996: deprecated POSIX names (used in zlib) SET(STEL_MSVC_FLAGS "/wd4244 /wd4305 /wd4351 /wd4996") # Set minimal version of Windows SET(STEL_MSVC_FLAGS "${STEL_MSVC_FLAGS} /D_WIN32_WINNT=${MIN_WIN_VERSION...