A modern C++ scope guard that is easy to use but hard to misuse. - [cmake] Treat warnings as errors · ricab/scope_guard@cb595b0
由于编译器本身忽略了-isystem指定目录中的警告, 那么开发者在 CMakeLists.txt 里指定的 treat warnings as errors 的设定, 由于没捕获到这些目录里的 waring, 因而不会触发编译报错。 这是一种避免陷入修改第三方库头文件源码的方法, 它仅对于头文件有效, 对于add_subdirectories()引入的源代码文件 (.c/.cpp)...
上述这些 cmake 命令, 是映射-I dir 为 -isystem dir, 根据 GCC 文档, -isystem 指定的 dir 被当作标准系统头文件目录:由于编译器本身忽略了-isystem 指定目录中的警告, 那么开发者在 CMakeLists.txt 里指定的 treat warnings as errors 的设定, 由于没捕获到这些目录里的 waring, 因而不会...
-Werror=<what> Treat CMake warnings as errors. <what> must be one of the following: dev Make developer warnings errors. Make warnings that are meant for the author of the CMakeLists.txt files errors. By default this will also turn on deprecated warnings as errors. deprecated Make ...
add_compile_options(/WX)#treat warnings as errors add_compile_options(/Oi)#enable intrinsics add_compile_options(/Oy-)#disable suppressing of the creation of frame pointers on the call stack for quicker function calls add_compile_options(/U_MT)#undefine the predefined _MT macro ...
Treat Incompatible Pointer Type Warnings as Errors (GCC_TREAT_INCOMPATIBLE_POINTER_TYPE_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) Enabling this option causes warnings about incompatible pointer types to be treated as errors. Treat Warnings as Errors (GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) ...
Treat Incompatible Pointer Type Warnings as Errors (GCC_TREAT_INCOMPATIBLE_POINTER_TYPE_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) Enabling this option causes warnings about incompatible pointer types to be treated as errors. Treat Warnings as Errors (GCC_TREAT_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) Enabling this option causes all warnings ...
Wextra: add even more extra Warning Werror: treat Warnings as errors by default, there's no optimization. -O0 -O3 -Ofaster "segmentation fault" means you are using some unallowed memory. use reference to avoid copy, and save a lot time!
treat warnings as # errors if (UNIX OR MINGW) # Get warnings for attributes check_c_compiler_flag("-Wattributes" REQUIRED_FLAGS_WERROR) if (REQUIRED_FLAGS_WERROR) string(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "-Wattributes ") endif() # Turn warnings into errors check_c_compiler_flag("-Werror" ...
-Werror # Treat all compiler warnings as errors -fno-rtti # Disable runtime type information $<$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:GNU>: # False positive string overflow # https://github.com/google/flatbuffers/issues/7366 -Wno-error=stringop-overflow > > -pedantic -Wextra -Wno-unused-paramet...