)endif(WarningsAsErrors)# Set compile flags.target_compile_options(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE # Clang $<$<OR:$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:Clang>,$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:AppleClang>>: -Weverything -fcolor-diagnostics # Disable specific warnings. -Wno-c++98-compat -Wno-c++98-compat-pedanti...
Disable Private Modules Warnings (CLANG_MODULES_DISABLE_PRIVATE_WARNING) Disable warnings related to the recommended use of private module naming. This only makes sense when support for modules is enabled. Optimization Profile File (CLANG_OPTIMIZATION_PROFILE_FILE) The path to the file of the profile...
接触C++项目的人都知道,现在存在很多组织源代码进行编译的工具,windows平台下的nmake,visual studio(不同版本的sln project文件)以及Eclipse的CDT。cmake所处的位置,更像是这些已有工具的管理工具,它可以根据cmakelists文件来生成相应的makefile,project文件等等。 使用cmake的好处有很多。编写一次配置文件,就可以在不同...
第5 和 6 行设置了两个变量 CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG 和 CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE, 这两个变量是分别用于 debug 和 release 的编译选项。 编辑 CMakeList.txt 后需要执行 ccmake 命令生成 Makefile 。在进入项目的根目录,输入 "ccmake ." 进入一个图形化界面,如下图所示: ccmake的界面 执行了configure...
Disable Private Modules Warnings (CLANG_MODULES_DISABLE_PRIVATE_WARNING) Disable warnings related to the recommended use of private module naming. This only makes sense when support for modules is enabled. Optimization Profile File (CLANG_OPTIMIZATION_PROFILE_FILE) ...
which conflict with the flags defined by Zephyr from KConfig. If you want to use the standard “Debug” and “Release” build types, for example if these are used by libraries you add to your project, you can. However, you must reset CMake’s default flags and disable the warning that...
Set to OLD to quiet a policy warning while using old behavior or to NEW to try building the project with new behavior. CMAKE_POLICY_WARNING_CMP<NNNN> Explicitly enable or disable the warning when CMake Policy CMP<NNNN> is not set. This is meaningful only for the few policies that do ...
# -Od - disable all optimizations # -Ox - use maximum optimizations # -Zd - generate only public symbols and line numbers for debugging # -GS - enable security checks # # i386 specific compiler flags: # -Gz - stdcall (only if scall is added to makefile's compiler build rules) ...
// Silence warning C4244: 'initializing': conversion from 'int' to 'short', // possible loss of data and C4100, unreferenced local parameter #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4244) #pragma warning(disable : 4100) #endif #include "test/gmock-matchers_test....