set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Werror -Wall -Wpedantic \ -Wno-unused") check_cxx_compiler_flag("-Wnoexcept-type" HAS_NOEXCEPT_TYPE_WARNING) if(HAS_NOEXCEPT_TYPE_WARNING) @@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ elseif("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "MSVC") else() set(CMAKE_CXX...
example|--- hello||--- hello.h# 此文件中写的不严谨, 在 hello 目录执行构建不会报错, 但在 examples 目录执行编译则会报错||--- hello.lib||--- CMakeLists.txt|--- test_hello.cpp|--- CMakeLists.txt# example 目录的 CMakeLists.txt, 指定了 treat warning as error 的选项 或者header-onl...
无论是哪种形式,hello/hello.h 这一头文件, 都会被自己的源代码 test_hello.cpp 包含, 从而参与到 example 工程的构建中。 而 example 工程可能使用了和 hello 不同的 "treat warning as errors" 设定, 会导致 hello.h 在 hello 工程中不会编译报错, 但在 example 工程中就会报错了。我们...
默認的gtest有幾個問題 treat warning as error,導致compile失敗 runtimelib選項為multi thread,需要改成multi thread dll 需要人手修改編譯選項 G:_codes\test_gtest\gtest_submodule\googletest\g...
add_compile_options(/W3) # set warning level to 3 add_compile_options(/WX) # treat warnings as errors add_compile_options(/Oi) # enable intrinsics add_compile_options(/Oy-) # disable suppressing of the creation of frame pointers on the call stack for quicker function calls add_comp...
add_compile_options(/TP)#compile all files as C++ add_compile_options(/d2Zi+)#make optimized builds debugging easier add_compile_options(/nologo)#Suppress Startup Banner add_compile_options(/W3)#set warning level to 3 add_compile_options(/WX)#treat warnings as errors ...
Causes warnings about missing function prototypes to be treated as errors. Only applies to C and Objective-C. Treat Incompatible Pointer Type Warnings as Errors (GCC_TREAT_INCOMPATIBLE_POINTER_TYPE_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) Enabling this option causes warnings about incompatible pointer types to be treated...
Causes warnings about missing function prototypes to be treated as errors. Only applies to C and Objective-C. Treat Incompatible Pointer Type Warnings as Errors (GCC_TREAT_INCOMPATIBLE_POINTER_TYPE_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS) Enabling this option causes warnings about incompatible pointer types to be treated...
-Werror # Treat all compiler warnings as errors -fno-rtti # Disable runtime type information $<$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:GNU>: # False positive string overflow # -Wno-error=stringop-overflow > > -pedantic -Wextra -Wno-unused-paramet...
treat warnings as # errors if (UNIX OR MINGW) # Get warnings for attributes check_c_compiler_flag("-Wattributes" REQUIRED_FLAGS_WERROR) if (REQUIRED_FLAGS_WERROR) string(APPEND CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "-Wattributes ") endif() # Turn warnings into errors check_c_compiler_flag("-Werror" ...