TEST(LinkTest, TestMatchersSubstrings) { Mock mock; ON_CALL(mock, VoidFromString(StartsWith("a"))).WillByDefault(Return()); ON_CALL(mock, VoidFromString(EndsWith("c"))).WillByDefault(Return()); ON_CALL(mock, VoidFromString(HasSubstr("b"))).WillByDefault(Return()); } // Tests ...
string_starts_with.cmake toplevel.cmake doc python test .gitignore .travis.yml CHANGELOG.rst CMakeLists.txt LICENSE README.rst package.xml rosdoc.yaml setup.py Latest commit dirk-thomas explicitly call project() in toplevel CMakeLists.txt (#1106) ...
sourceDirectory A string or array of strings specifying the directory or directories with CMakeLists.txt. Macros (such as ${workspaceRoot}) are allowed. Relative paths are based on the workspace root. Directories outside of the current workspace will be ignored. You can reach CMakeWorkspaceSettin...
# FLATBUFFERS_CODE_SANITIZE: boolean {ON,OFF,YES,NO} or string with list of sanitizer. # List of sanitizer is string starts with '=': "=address,undefined,thread,memory". if(IS_CLANG OR (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX AND CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_GREATER_EQUAL 4.9)) set(_sanitiz...
CMakeBuildConfiguration*CMakeBuildConfigurationFactory::create(ProjectExplorer::Target *parent,constCore::Id id,constQString &name) {if(!canCreate(parent, id))return0; CMakeProject *project =static_cast<CMakeProject *>(parent->project());boolok =true; ...
if (!env.expandedValueForKey("NINJA_STATUS").startsWith(ninjaProgressString)) env.set("NINJA_STATUS", ninjaProgressString + "%o/sec] "); }); connect(target(), &Target::parsingFinished, this, [this](bool success) { if (success) // Do not change when parsing failed.recreateBuildTa...
QString onlyFileName = fileName.fileName();if( (onlyFileName.startsWith(QLatin1String("moc_")) && onlyFileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".cxx"))) || (onlyFileName.startsWith(QLatin1String("ui_")) && onlyFileName.endsWith(QLatin1String(".h"))) ...
cmake 2.8.6 Last change: June 17, 2014 30 User Commands cmake(1) REGEX specifies a regular expression that a string must match to be returned. Typical usage file(STRINGS myfile.txt myfile) stores a list in the variable "myfile" in which each item is a line from the input file. ...
a JSON object with the following keys:nameA string containing the name of the generator.toolsetSupporttrueif the generator supports toolsets andfalseotherwise.platformSupporttrueif the generator supports platforms andfalseotherwise.supportedPlatformsAdded in version 3.21. Optional member that may be ...
'gnu++98' : 'c++98'; } else { return undefined; } } function parseCStandard(std: string, canUseGnu: boolean): StandardVersion { // GNU options from: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/C-Dialect-Options.html#C-Dialect-Options const isGnu = canUseGnu && std.startsWith(...