复制 if(NOTFEATURES)set(FEATURES"huge"CACHESTRING"FEATURES chosen by the user at CMake configure time")endif() 我们还要确保用户为FEATURES提供有效的值: 代码语言:javascript 复制 list(APPEND_available_features"tiny""small""normal""big""huge")if(NOTFEATURESIN_LIST_available_features)message(FATAL_ERR...
CMake代码由一系列command的调用组成。包括if else 都属于command。 类似于下面这个命令 \# 添加可执行目标hello, 参数为world.cadd_executable(hello world.c) command调用语法为 identifier(以空格隔开的参数表) 参数可以用()括起来,表示这个单个参数。 如if(TRUE OR (TRUE AND FALSE)) 注意:command名大小写不...
If you make changes to the file, a yellow status bar appears and informs you that IntelliSense will update. It gives you a chance to cancel the update operation. For information about CMakeLists.txt, see the CMake documentation. It contains the lines project (hello-cmake), add_...
OFF, NO, FALSE, N, IGNORE, NOTFOUND, the emptystring, or endsinthe suffix -NOTFOUND. Named boolean constants arecase-insensitive. If the argument is not one of these constants, it is treated as a variable.if(<variable>)
IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES "SunOS" AND CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) ## We will be using gcc to generate .so files ## Add C flags (e.g. -m64) to CMAKE_SHARED_LIBRARY_C_FLAGS ## The client library contains C++ code, so add dependency on libstdc++ ## See cmake --help-...
variables: Contains a name-value pair of CMake variables that get passed as-D name=valueto CMake. If your CMake project build instructions specify the addition of any variables directly to theCMakeCache.txtfile, we recommend you add them here instead. This example shows how to specify the...
buildRoot: maps to-DCMAKE_BINARY_DIR switchand specifies where the CMake cache will be created. If the folder does not exist, it will be created variables: contains a name+value pair of CMake variables that will get passed as-Dname=valueto CMake. If your CMake project build instructions...
contains exactly that file(STRINGS "${OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR}/openssl/opensslv.h" OPENSSL_VERSION_STR REGEX "^#[\t ]*define[\t ]+OPENSSL_VERSION_STR[\t ]+\"([0-9])+\\.([0-9])+\\.([0-9])+\".*") string(REGEX REPLACE "^.*OPENSSL_VERSION_STR[\t ]+\"([0-9]+\\....
If you want to easily create a blank plugin check theRack Extension - Quick Starttool which sets everything up for you. This project offers a main CMake filemain.cmakewhich simply needs to be included in yourCMakeLists.txtfor your plugin. ...
On Windows, thewin_delay_load_hookis required to be embedded in the module or it will fail to load in the render process. cmake-js will add the hook if the CMakeLists.txt contains the library${CMAKE_JS_SRC}. Without the hook, the module can only be called from the render process...