py. cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.8 FATAL_ERROR) cmake_policy(VERSION 2.8.8) project(Skia) #//: 从这里开始 # Detect CPU type and whether we're building 64-bit or 32-bit code math(EXPR BITS "${CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P} * 8") string(TOLOWER ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} CMAKE_...
Select the preferred target and press F5, or choose the Run button on the toolbar. The project automatically builds first, just like a Visual Studio solution. Right-click on CMake target with CMake Targets View active in the Solution Explorer and select Build from the context menu. From ...
following names: libeventConfig.cmake libevent-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "libevent" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "libevent_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "libevent" provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been installed....
@DomingoMG@alexmercerindI have already update the cmake in my ubuntu.But nothing changed! I noticed that the CMakeCache.txt has the line: 'CMAKE_ROOT:INTERNAL=/snap/flutter/81/usr/share/cmake-3.10'. @xiaocode, as you have cloned this repo, you may try to downgrade the CMake version...
To add CPM to your current project, simply add thelatest releaseofCPM.cmakeorget_cpm.cmaketo your project'scmakedirectory. The command below will perform this automatically. mkdir -p cmake wget -O cmake/CPM.cmake
现在我们已经收集了足够的信息,可以开始讨论 CMake 的核心功能:构建项目。在 CMake 中,一个项目包含管理将我们的解决方案带入生活的所有源文件和配置。配置从执行所有检查开始:目标平台是否受支持,是否拥有所有必要的依赖项和工具,以及提供的编译器是否工作并支持所需功能。 完成后,CMake 将为我们的选择构建工具生成...
OR OR操作符用于检查两个或更多条件中至少有一个是否为真。如果至少有一个条件为真,整个OR表达式的结果就为真(True);只有当所有条件都为假时,结果才为假(False)。 set(VAR1 ON) set(VAR2 OFF) if(VAR1 OR VAR2) message("At least one of VAR1 or VAR2 is true") else() message("Both VAR1 ...
Updates to the default CMake Tools UI Startinginthis1.16release, the defaultCMakeTools status bar will only havecommonly-usedactions likeBuild,Debug, andRunto de-clutter the status bar by default. All options for configuring your project throughCMakepresets or k...
Additionally, it can be found atView >CMakeTargetsat any point in aCMakeproject. From the Targets View, you’ll be able to see the list of all your buildable targets, with options to build or debug from here.You will only see the folders with buildable executables, making it easier ...
MESSAGE(STATUS"Download failed, error: ${ERR}")MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR"You can try downloading ${OCI_LIB_DOWNLOAD_URL} manually"" using curl/wget or a similar tool")ENDIF()ENDIF() 根据设定标记判断是否下载成功,如果下载成功则对压缩包文件进行初步的校验,无问题则进行解压缩...