比如: IF("hello" MATCHES "ell") MESSAGE("true") ENDIF("hello" MATCHES "ell")IF(variable LESS number) IF(string LESS number) IF(variable GREATER number) IF(string GREATER number) IF(variable EQUAL number) IF(string EQUAL number) #数字比较表达式 IF(variable STRLESS string) IF(string STRL...
二元:STREQUAL、AND、OR、MATCHES(regular expression)、VERSION_LESS、VERSION_LESS_EQUAL 等 括号:() 3.8 生成表达式 $<KEYWORD> :计算 KEYWORD 的值 $<KEYWORD:value> :根据 KEYWORD 的值来控制整个表达式的值,KEYWORD = 1 时表达式值为 value,KEYWORD = 0 时表达式值为空字符串。 常用的生成表达式有 BUILD...
if(IS_DIRECTORY directory-name) 为真的前提是directory-name表示的是一个目录(应该使用绝对路径) if(variable|string MATCHES regex) 为真的前提是变量值或者字符串匹配 regex正则表达式 if(variable|stringLESS variable|string) if(variable|string GREATER variable|string) if(variable|string EQUAL variable|string)...
cmake命令是不区分大小写的,但是变量区分。 判断编译器类型 cmake if ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" MATCHES "Clang") MESSAGE("Clang") elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "GNU") MESSAGE("GNU") elseif ("${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" STREQUAL "Intel") MESSAGE("Intel") elseif ("...
比如: IF("hello" MATCHES "ell") MESSAGE("true") ENDIF("hello" MATCHES "ell")IF(variable LESS number) IF(string LESS number) IF(variable GREATER number) IF(string GREATER number) IF(variable EQUAL number) IF(string EQUAL number) #数字比较表达式 IF(variable STRLESS string) IF(string STR...
补:从 cmake 的 maillist,我找到了一些答案,原文是:The `IF(var)' or `IF(NOT var)' command expects `var' to be the name of a variable. This is stated in CMake's manual. So, for your situation `IF(${libX})' is the same as `IF(/usr/lib/xorg)' and then CMake will check...
Load and run CMake code from a file or module. 功能:用来载入 CMakeLists.txt 文件,也用于载入预定义的cmake模块。 语法:include(<file|module> [OPTIONAL] [RESULT_VARIABLE <VAR>] [NO_POLICY_SCOPE])。 如果指定文件,则直接处理。如果指定module,则寻找 module.cmake 文件,首先在${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH...
)# create a GUI applicationif(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPEMATCHES"Release"ORCMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPESMATCHES"Release")set_target_properties(${PROJECT_NAME}PROPERTIES WIN32_EXECUTABLEONMACOSX_BUNDLEON)endif()# === Deployment ===# Handle Windows deploymentif(WIN32ANDNOTDEFINEDCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE)message("WIN32...
The apply button accepts the change, or you can press cancel. IntelliSense for CMake projects By default, Visual Studio uses the IntelliSense mode that matches the compiler and target architecture specified by the active CMake configuration. If CMakePresets.json is your active CMake configuration...
file2 新,或 file1/file2 中有一个不存在时为真,文件名需使用全路径if (IS_DIRECTORY dir):当 dir 是目录时为真if (DEFINED var):如果变量被定义为真if (var MATCHES regex):给定的变量或者字符串能够匹配正则表达式 regex 时为真,此处 var 可以用 var 名,也可以用 ${var}if (string MATCHES ...