问题叙述性说明: So I've got a library I'm compiling and I need to link different third party things in depending on if it's the debug or release build (specifically the release or debug versions of those libraries). Is there an easy way to do this in Cmake? 解决方法: target_link_...
So I've got a library I'm compiling and I need to link different third party things in depending on if it's the debug or release build (specifically the release or debug versions of those libraries). Is there an easy way to do this in Cmake? 解决方法: target_link_libraries(<target>...
release and debug: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2209929/linking-different-libraries-for-debug-and-release-builds-in-cmake-on-windows According to theCMake documentation: target_link_libraries(<target>[lib1 [lib2 [...]]][[debug|optimized|general]<lib>] ...) A "debug", "optimized",...
对于第三方库,如果从源码进行编译和安装,我们并不需要理会 CMakeLists 的任何细节,整个流程只需要执行几条命令即可,通常需要设置编译模式为 Release 或 Debug,并且设置安装位置 cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=... cmake --build build --config Release cmake --...
target_link_libraries是一个用于指定链接库的命令。它的基本格式如下: target_link_libraries(<target> ... <item>...) 在这个命令中,<target>是你想要链接库的目标,<item>是你想要链接的库。 例如,如果你有一个名为app的可执行文件,并且你想要链接一个名为lib的库,你可以这样写: ...
1.5 设置编译模式(Debug或者Release) 1.6 指定静态库或者动态库编译输出目录 1.7 指定可执行程序编译输出目录 1.8 设置链接库搜索目录 1.9 设置包含目录 1.10 设置宏定义 1.11 链接静态库 1.12 链接动态库 1.13 link_libraries 和 target_link_libraries 区别 ...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.5)# find_package(hip) requires 3.5cmake_policy(VERSION3.5...3.27)project(MyProjLANGUAGESCXX)find_package(hipREQUIRED)add_executable(MyApp...)target_link_libraries(MyAppPRIVATEhip::host) When mixing suchCXXsources withHIPsources holding device-code, link only tohip:...
Incredibly, adding link_libraries(protobuf::libprotobuf gRPC::grpc++_unsecure) fixes the link errors. And the program runs in both debug and release mode. Edit: This works: if(VCPKG_TOOLCHAIN) target_link_libraries(myCode INTERFACE protobuf::libprotobuf gRPC::grpc++_unsecure gRPC::grpc++ )...
WhenCMakecache generation on your project fails, a “Debug” link will also be available in the Solution Explorer to start aCMakedebugging session. From here, you can do any actions you can do in your other Visual Studio debugging sessions, such as view call stacks, viewCMakecache variables...
IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG #DEBUG模式,一般debuglib名称以d结尾 IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE #RELEASE 模式 #如果是动态库,需要设置IMPORTED_IMPLIB 4.目标对象链接库文件 target_link_libraries(${project_name} # 可执行文件、目标 PRIVATE # 链接限制 private/public/interface ...