IF(EXISTS dir)或者 IF(EXISTS file)#当目录名或者文件名存在时为真。 IF(file1 IS_NEWER_THAN file2)#当 file1 比 file2 新,或者 file1/file2 其中有一个不存在时为真,文件名请使用完整路径。 IF(IS_DIRECTORY dirname)#当 dirname 是目录时,为真。 IF(variable MATCHES regex) IF(string MATCHES re...
#cmakedefine FOO_ENABLE #cmakedefine FOO_STRING "@FOO_STRING@" 1. 2. CMakeLists.txt中添加代码来设置一个开关,下边会执行if中的语句: option(FOO_ENABLE "Enable Foo" ON) if(FOO_ENABLE) set(FOO_STRING "foo") endif() configure_file(foo.h.in foo.h @ONLY) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 生成的...
5.修改Qt5_DIR路徑為PATH=D:/Qt/Qt5.12.0/5.12.0/msvc2017_64/lib/cmake/Qt5 6.修改VTK_QT_VERSION:STRING=5,使用Qt5修改相應版本號 7.如出現qmake路徑則修改QT_QMAKE_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=D:/Qt/Qt5.12.0/5.12.0/msvc2017_64/bin/qmake.exe 完成Configure,不出意外就不再顯示紅色,接著點Generate ...
ui->quickWidget->engine()->addImageProvider(QLatin1String("album"), new AlbumImageProvider); #if QT_VERSION < QT_VERSION_CHECK(6, 0, 0) // Uses QtQuick.Controls 1 ui->quickWidget->setSource(QUrl("qrc:/src/ui/ImageView.qml")); #else ui->quickWidget->setSource(QUrl("qrc:/src/...
Stringhome=inst.getHome(); if(home!=null) { if(home.equals("cmake")) {//$NON-NLS-1$ // the legacy DEFAULT CmakeToolnewInst=newCmakeTool(inst.getName(), null,inst.getProperties()); installations[i] =newInst; mustSave=true; ...
If multi- ple inherits presets provide conflicting values for the same field, the earlier preset in the inherits list will be preferred. Presets in CMakePresets.json may not inherit from presets in CMakeUserPre- sets.json. This field can also be a string, which is equivalent to an array ...
Sets the passed in variable to one of the following values or an empty string if unknown. vc80 vc80sp1 vc90 vc90sp1 vc100 vc100sp1 cmake 2.8.6 Last change: June 17, 2014 6 User Commands cmakemodules(1) Usage: === if(MSVC) include(CMakeDetermineVSServicePack) DetermineVSServicePack(...
EQUALS = = # The top-level source directory on which CMake was run. CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR = /Users/mpgmateus/Downloads/otclient-rework-cmake # The top-level build directory on which CMake was run. CMAKE_BINARY_DIR = /Users/mpgmateus/Downloads/otclient-rework-cmake/build ...
#equals to below#target_link_libraries(myProject -leng -lmx)#target_link_libraries(myProject libeng.so libmx.so) add_executable(useHello useHello.cpp ) # 将库文件链接到可执行程序上 target_link_libraries( useHello hello)#后 # target_link_libraries( useHello hello_shared )# w-1 # ...
RawStringFormats: - Language: Cpp Delimiters: - cc - CC - cpp - Cpp - CPP -'c++' -'C++' CanonicalDelimiter:'' BasedOnStyle: google - Language: TextProto Delimiters: - pb - PB - proto - PROTO EnclosingFunctions: - EqualsProto