add_executable(main "main.cpp") target_link_libraries(main PRIVATE Qt6::Core) add_custom_command(TARGET main POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy "$<TARGET_RUNTIME_DLLS:main>" "$<TARGET_FILE_DIR:main>" COMMAND_EXPAND_LISTS) if the following target properties of Qt6::Core are...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.14 FATAL_ERROR)# create projectproject(MyProject)# add executableadd_executable(main main.cpp)# add dependenciesinclude(cmake/CPM.cmake) CPMAddPackage("gh:fmtlib/fmt#7.1.3") CPMAddPackage("gh:nlohmann/json@3.10.5") CPMAddPackage("gh:catchorg/Catch2@3.4.0"...
If ENABLE_TESTING has not been run, this command does nothing. The tests are run by the testing subsystem by executing Exename with the specified arguments. Exe- name can be either an executable built by this project or an arbitrary executable on the system (like tclsh). The test will be...
cmakeExecutable An optional string representing the path to the CMake executable to use for this preset. This is reserved for use by IDEs, and is not used by CMake itself. IDEs that use this field should expand any macros in it. cacheVariables An optional map of cache variables. The ...
1# CMake 最低版本号要求23cmake_minimum_required (VERSION2.8)45# 项目信息67project (Demo2)89# 查找当前目录下的所有源文件1011# 并将名称保存到 DIR_SRCS 变量1213aux_source_directory(. DIR_SRCS)1415# 指定生成目标1617add_executable(Demo ${DIR_SRCS}) ...
一、使用 在每一个属性前面加上CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_即可,如下: SET(CMAKE_XCODE_ATTRIBUTE_DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT "dwarf-with-dsym...Xcode uses this information for its dependency tracking...Use this setting if Xcode does not already provide UI for a lex flag...Use this setting if Xcode...
But yes, we understand that not everyone can do that. To your second point, you should be able to point us to your installed version of CMake by using the cmakeExecutable property in your configurePresets. If there is something going on with that that isn’t working for...
# CMake 最低版本号要求 cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8) # 项目信息 project (Demo1) # 指定生成目标 add_executable(Demo CMakeLists.txt 的语法比较简单,由命令、注释和空格组成,其中命令是不区分大小写的。符号 # 后面的内容被认为是注释。命令由命令名称、小括号和参数组成,参数之间使用...
ERROR: Could not list test cases for executable 'C:\some_path\my_unit_tests.exe': process execution failed with exit code -1073741515 Additionally, Test Explorer is looking in totally the wrong place for the PDBs. I always get the warning: Could not locate debug symbols for 'C:\some...