-S <path-to-source> = Explicitly specify a source directory. -B <path-to-build> = Explicitly specify a build directory. -C <initial-cache> = Pre-load a script to populate the cache. -D [:<type>]=<value> = Create or update a cmake cache entry. -U <globbing_expr> = Remove mat...
To run the test suite, run ctest in the CMake build directory after building. See the CMake Testing Guide for details. Building CMake from Scratch UNIX/Mac OSX/MinGW/MSYS/Cygwin You need to have a C++ compiler (supporting C++11) and a make installed. Run the bootstrap script you find...
COMMAND${CMAKE_COMMAND}-E copy_directory${SOURCE_DIR}/config${SOURCE_DIR}/etc COMMAND${CMAKE_COMMAND}-E copy${SOURCE_DIR}/log.txt${SOURCE_DIR}/etc 单独执行命令的方式是: cmake --build [<options>] [-- <build-tool-options>] cmake --build /home/mydir --target finish 与add_execut...
if(${COMPILER_ARCH} STREQUAL "AARCH64") add_custom_command(TARGET ${LIB_NAME} POST_BUILD COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy_directory ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/install/include/aarch64-journey) endif() 这个例子中,我们用一个自定义命令在构建后复制了一个目录。这里,...
# 设置exe文件出书目录set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin)# 设置存档目标文件的输出目录set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib) 9.5 option 定义一个开关 option(<variable>"<help_text>"[value])# value的值为ON 或者 OFF,默认为OFF# 如:option(VERSION_ENA...
View CMakeCache.txt opens the CMakeCache.txt file from the build directory in the editor. Any edits you make here to CMakeCache.txt are wiped out if you clean the cache. To make changes that persist after you clean the cache, see Customize CMake settings or Configure and build with C...
After callingCPMAddPackage, the following variables are defined in the local scope, where<dependency>is the name of the dependency. <dependency>_SOURCE_DIRis the path to the source of the dependency. <dependency>_BINARY_DIRis the path to the build directory of the dependency. ...
1、<Directory> 当CMake处理一个项目时,入口点是一个名为CMakeLists.txt的源文件,这个一定是根目录下的CMakeLists.txt。这个文件包含整个工程的构建规范,当我们有多个子文件夹需要编译时,使用add_subdirectory()命令来为构建添加子目录。添加的每个子目录也必须包含一个CMakeLists.txt文件作为该子目录的入口点。每...