不管你是否认同 CMake,都无法否认 CMake 目前是 C++ 的 de facto build system[1]。
endif()add_compile_options($<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:-fprebuilt-module-path=${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_deps/std-build/CMakeFiles/std.dir/>)add_compile_options($<$<COMPILE_LANGUAGE:CXX>:-nostdinc++>)# The include path needs to be set to be able to use macros from headers.# For example ...
这是demo代码地址(GitHub - sunsmart96/ExampleCppModule) GitHub - sunsmart96/ExampleCppModulegithub.com/sunsmart96/ExampleCppModule 1.CMake方案 CMake demo目录树 就一个cmake文件和src文件夹,build是用来做构建的,会用cmake的都懂。 代码分两个部分 main是主模块,就是一个调用的可执行文件。调用我们...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.26)project(std_module_example CXX)set(CMAKE_EXPERIMENTAL_CXX_MODULE_CMAKE_API"2182bf5c-ef0d-489a-91da-49dbc3090d2a")# Default to C++ extensions being off. Clang's modules support have trouble# with extensions right now and it is not required for any other...
cmake 检测系统架构 cmake example,本系列是记录https://github.com/ttroy50/cmake-examples的学习过程,通过cmakeexamples仓库中的例子来一步步学习cmake。1搭建环境搭建cmake编译环境可以参考cmake-examples/README.adoc,本文直接使用docker方式,方便快捷。#pulldocker
A simple CMake module for clang-format support cmake-modulesclang-format UpdatedDec 6, 2022 CMake some my modules cmakecmake-modules UpdatedSep 15, 2021 CMake A set of CMake modules that are used by the C++-based Gazebo projects. ...
Example hello.cc: module; #include<cstdio>exportmodule hello;exportvoidhello() {std::printf("Hello, modules!\n"); } main.cc: import hello;intmain() {hello(); } CMakeLists.txt: cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.11)project(HELLO CXX)include(modules.cmake) add_module_library(hello hello.cc...
If you are using theTargets View, it is even easier. Just click “Add -> New Module…” in the context menu on any target: Exporting and Using Modules Once you have created a Module interface (.ixx) file, you can export functions, classes, and structs. The example below defines a si...
CMake 已在 CMAKE_MODULE_PATH 中尋找,但找不到。 建議將安裝前置詞「sqlite3」新增至 CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH,或將 sqlite3_DIR 設定為包含 sqlite3Config.cmake 和/或 sqlitet3-config.cmake 的目錄。 CMake 的語言服務 CMake 的語言服務可在 Visual Studio 2019 16.5 版或更新版本中取得。 它支援程式碼瀏覽...