Boost 1.70需要CMake 3.14或更高版本。 0 0 0 UYOU 我只想发布以下工作,因为它比我正在工作的系统上升级CMake要容易得多,因为我没有root / sudo访问权限。设置BOOST_INCLUDEDIR和BOOST_LIBRARYDIR调用时的CMake直接。cmake -DBOOST_INCLUDEDIR=... -DBOOST_LIBRARYDIR=... ...如果...
set(Boost_LIBRARY_DIR "C:/boost_1_75_0/stage/lib") # 设置 Boost 的库目录 message("BOOST ROOT: ${BOOST_ROOT}") message("Boost_INCLUDE_DIR: ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR}") message("Boost_LIBRARY_DIR: ${Boost_LIBRARY_DIR}") message("Boost version: ${Boost_VERSION}") find_package(Boost 1.7...
Boost库是一个广泛使用的C++库集合,提供了许多功能强大且易于使用的组件。 要使用CMake链接Boost库的静态版本,可以按照以下步骤进行操作: 首先,确保已经安装了Boost库的静态版本。可以从Boost官方网站(下载并安装Boost库。 在CMakeLists.txt文件中添加以下内容,以链接Boost库的静态版本: 代码...
只有在新的Boost版本之后,CMake开发人员才能更新他们的依赖列表,所以您需要更新到boost 1.75之后发布的...
Boost_VERSION - 从boost/version.hpp文件获取的版本号 Boost_LIB_VERSION - 某个库的版本 搜索路径设置 若Boost库是自定义安装路径,可以在搜索package之前,通过设置一些变量来帮助boost库的查找。 BOOST_ROOT - 首选的Boost安装路径 BOOST_INCLUDEDIR - 首选的头文件搜索路径 e.g. <prefix>/includeBOOST_LIBRARYDIR...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION3.5)# Set the project nameproject(boost_unit_test)# find a boost install with the libraries unit_test_frameworkfind_package(Boost1.46.1REQUIRED COMPONENTS unit_test_framework)# Add an library for the example classesadd_library(example_boost_unit_test ...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) # Set the project name project (boost_unit_test) # find a boost install with the libraries unit_test_framework find_package(Boost 1.46.1 REQUIRED COMPONENTS unit_test_framework) # Add an library for the example classes ...
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.5) # Set the project name project (boost_unit_test) # find a boost install with the libraries unit_test_framework find_package(Boost 1.46.1 REQUIRED COMPONENTS unit_test_framework) # Add an library for the example classes add_library(example_boost_unit_tes...
Unable to find the requested Boost libraries. Boost version: 1.58.0 Boost include path: C:/Developer/Libs_cpp/boost_1_58_0/boost Could not find the following Boost libraries: mbrucherreopened thisJul 29, 2015 mbrucherself-assigned thisJul 29, 2015 ...
cmake_minimum_required ( VERSION 3.20 ) project ( testprj ) set ( PRJ_INCLUDE_DIRS ) set ( PRJ_COMPILE_FEATURES ) set ( PRJ_LIBRARIES ) list ( APPEND PRJ_COMPILE_FEATURES cxx_std_20 ) set ( Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON ) find_package(Boost COMPONENTS locale REQUIRED) list ( APPEND PRJ...