Boost cmake进程中的某些东西导致boost在/include中查找包含文件,而它们实际上在/usr/include中。我为/...
看来要更改的不是这个 .cmake 文件, 只是这个文件的message函数返回了错误值。 需要更改的是这个目录下的 FindBoost.cmake 文件 。 添加了一行代码 (与别人的解决方案不完全一样) 由于该路径是在C盘,需要管理员权限才能更改 ,并且 有个疑惑,我是用txt打开这个.cmake文件,保存了之后就变成 txt 文件了 ,而不是...
boostc++cmake Cmake cannot find Boost libraries 我是Cmake的新手,并增强了C ++中的库。 我...
Boost_INCLUDE_DIR not found: Cmake error Question: As a beginner in Cmake and Boost, I am currently developing a program with cmake and seeking assistance. The operating system being used is Windows 7 and the version of Cmake being utilized is 3.16.0-rc1. Boost_1_71_0 has been insta...
可以在cmakelists.txt 中写上 include_directories(/home/xx/include)来让库文件搜索以/home/xx/include为基础 即可在main.c 函数上 添加 #include “opencv/cv.h" 来应用。 2:find_package() 例子1:(版本错误) find_package(Boost 1.68.0 REQUIRED system coroutine thread) ...
I have TBB installed through anaconda (which for me is under /Users/leesj01/anaconda3/). I can use -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR options to cmake to specify this for boost, but could not find an equivalent for TBB. When I turned off the quiet mode...
CMakeLists.txt LICENSE.TXT boost-1.64-all-private.imp boost-1.64-all.imp boost-1.75-all-private.imp boost-1.75-all.imp boost-all-private.imp boost-all.imp clang-6.intrinsics.imp ...
使用Boost Python Numpy ndarray作为类成员变量 、、、 我期待着将Python对象传递给Boost Python类。这个对象有一个ndarray作为属性,我希望将这个ndarray存储为这个类中的私有成员变量,以便以后使用它。14)set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF)INCLUDE_DIRECTOR 浏览
cmake .. -DBUILD_CONFIG=mysql_release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local/mysql -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/data/mysql/data -DWITH_BOOST=/home/mysql-8.0.24/boost/boost_1_73_0 报错Could not find rpc/rpc.h in /usr/include or /usr/include/tirpc,详细报错如下: -- Checking for module 'libtirpc'...