CLSTM引入了一个缓存机制,它将内存分为具有不同遗忘率的几组,从而使网络能够在一个循环单元中更好地保持情感信息。 由于标准的LSTM不可避免地会丢失有价值的特征,本文提出了一种缓存的长短期记忆神经网络(cached long short-term memory neural networks,CLSTM),通过引入缓存机制,在较长的步骤中捕捉信息。此外,为了...
CLSTM引入了一个缓存机制,它将内存分为具有不同遗忘率的几组,从而使网络能够在一个循环单元中更好地保持情感信息。 由于标准的LSTM不可避免地会丢失有价值的特征,本文提出了一种缓存的长短期记忆神经网络(cached long short-term memory neural networks,CLSTM),通过引入缓存机制,在较长的步骤中捕捉信息。此外,为了...
In this paper, we present CLSTM (Contextual LSTM), an extension of the recurrent neural network LSTM (Long-Short Term Memory) model, where we incorporate contextual features (e.g., topics) into the model. We evaluate CLSTM on three specific NLP tasks: word prediction, next sentence selection...
#include "clstm.h" #include "extras.h" #include "utils.h"using std_string = std::string; #define string std_string using std::vector; using std::shared_ptr; using std::unique_ptr; using std::to_string; using std::make_pair; ...
clstm.createBidi(icodec, codec, nhidden); clstm.setLearningRate(lrate, momentum); } network_info(; intntrain =getienv("ntrain",10000000); intsave_every =getienv("save_every",10000); string save_name =getsenv("save_name","_filter"); ...
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于 基于 AR _CLSTM 的多元时间序列预测分析(英文) Abstract: Time series forecasting is an important research area in data analytics, especially with the growth of Big Data, IoT and Industry 4.0. In this paper, we propose a multi-variable time series forecasting algorithm called AR_CLSTM, which ...
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Deep 3D attention CLSTM U-Net based automated liver segmentation and volumetry for the liver transplantation in abdominal CT volumesJin Gyo Jeong, Sangtae Choi, Young Jae Kim, Won-Suk Lee & Kwang Gi Kim Scientific Reports volume 12, Article number: 6370 (2022) Cite this article ...