With ClustrMaps you can instantly discover where your visitors are coming from. Audience geo location heatmap visualises and highlights the countries in which your website is popular. Move the mouse cursor over the country on the map to get the total number of visits originated from there.Our...
Enter URL Verify Account Select Widget Type Get Code Enter your website address Next You can find the address in the browser's address bar. Copy the full address and paste it into the form above. back © ClustrMaps.com
1、首先打开网站:http://clustrmaps.com/ 2、找到页面中的“Locateallsite visitors…fast! Free.”下面的输入框,然后在URL输入你的网站或者博客地址,例如:http://www.freehao123.com,email中输入你的电子邮件,如图: 3、点击“make my map”按钮,稍等一会儿,网站会给你发送一个密码,方便你以后登录使用,而且在...
ClustrMaps 最大的功能就是帮助运营者生成一张访客地图,可以展示下你的网站有多国际化,如果是小流量网站可以使用,如果流量比较大,那么恭喜你,你还是别用了,因为免费有流量上限,多了要购买收费版才行。 光系统默认的地图显示配置还不行,我们要搞自己的,地图上全是红点,那不是生化危机吗?
ClustrMaps:http://clustrmaps.com/。 ClustrMaps是一个有趣和有创意的站点,最先开始是在keso那里看到的。通过申请后可以在自己的网页或BLOG上放上它的一段代码,这样就会生成一个漂亮的地图。这个地图就是一个计数器,它可以精确地显示出访问你网页的访问者的位置,并用一个小红点来表示,它的大小和访问数量成比例...
clustrmaps Tag:clustrmaps Diary [日记] [建站] jdcui.com启用新的网站访客统计地图 实干、实践、积累、思考、创新。 经常访问www.jdcui.com网站的朋友一定知道,原来网站右侧边栏有个转动的蓝色地球,可实时显示网站当前访客所在地理位置,并且可对网站的访问进行统计,非常酷炫。这是RevolverMaps提供的功能。 但最近,...
Posted by ClustrMaps Team inNews. comments closed Coolio – we’ve now surpassed 6,000,000,000 (six billion) thumbnail maps served. We’ve got some healthy competition, some serving even more widgets than us. But no one else has our massive scalability: namely, the ability to showmillions...
When you blog you can see comments from anyone around the world reading your blog. Additionally, you can see where in the world your visitors are coming from by using ClustrMaps. I just added a ClustrMap to my blog in the lefthand panel to see where people tune in from....
ClustrMaps 是一个基于网站流量统计与数据分析的站点,其特色是可以按照你的网站访问者国家来分别计数,关键它还能生成一个标有你的访问者地理位置的世界地图,支持嵌入到网站上展示。 对于网站运营者而言,网站流量的统计与分析必不可少,目前做的最好的就是百度统计和Google Analytics两者都很强大,尤其是后者,但只是运营...