conda(cross-platform, no Windows for now): $ conda install coin-or-clp Due to license incompatibilities, pre-compiled binaries lack some functionality. If binaries are not available for your platform for the latest version and you would like to request them to be built and posted, feel free...
The Union's institutions do not assume any liability for its contents. The authentic versions of the relevant acts, including their preambles, are those published in the Official Journal of the European Union and available in EUR-Lex. Those official texts are directly accessible through the links...
It is also possible to build Clp with the Visual Studio compiler from the command line using the procedure for Unix-like environments, using the Msys2 shell or CYGWIN. This is the recommended and best-supported way of building Clp in Windows from source. To do so, make sure theclcompiler ...
ClpP associates with the hexameric ATPases ClpX and ClpA, which can unfold and translocate substrate proteins through the ClpP axial pores into the protease lumen for degradation. We have determined the x-ray structure of Streptococcus pneumoniae ClpP(A153P) at 2.5 A resolution. The structure ...
1.2Cautionforsafety 1.2.1Toxicmaterial Thisproductcontainstoxicmaterialsthatcouldcauseillnessifingested. (1)IftheLCDcontrolpanelisdamageditispossiblefortheliquidinsidetoleak.Thisliquidistoxic.Contact withtheskinshouldbeavoided,washanysplashesfromeyesorskinimmediatelyandcontactyour doctor.Iftheliquidgetsintothemouth...
3)Takecarewhenfitting,orremoving,screws.Lookoutforhiddenscrews.Alwaysensurethatthecorrectscrewis usedandalwaysensurethatwhentoothedwashersareremovedtheyarerefittedintheiroriginalpositions. Copyright©1995-2012SAMSUNG.Allrightsreserved.3-1 3.DisassemblyandReassembly ...
Figure 1. ClpC1 is essential for mycobacterial growth. A and B, validation of CRISPRi-mediated silencing of genes by quantitative RT-PCR. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis showing levels of clpC1 (A) and clpP2 (B) transcripts in the respective knockdown strains of Mtb H37Rv. C–E, in vitro ...
Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time that mycobacterial ClpC1 is subject to adaptor protein-mediated regulation in vitro. Keywords: Clp/Hsp100 proteins; ClpC1; Mycobacterium tuberculosis; ClpS; adaptor proteins; ATP- dependent protease 1. Introduction ATP-dependent proteases ...
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