See: Clown Loach Breeding Notes Clown Loaches are often sold at the very immature size of 1.5 inches (4cm) or so, but they should not be considered for the smaller (or even medium-sized) aquarium. They will grow quite rapidly from this cute size to around 5 inches (13cm), thereafter ...
2. I would like to get more Clown Loach for this fish to have others to school with, however my concern is that I do not have room for a tank larger than 300l currently. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated! If i have missed any details please let me know and i will try...
Clown loaches also have a tendency to spend a lot of time laying on their side. Don't be alarmed if you see this. This is normal behavior for them. Clown loaches are peaceful fish and can be kept in a community tank. They usually swim along the bottom of the aquarium, similar to co...