Clown loaches also have a tendency to spend a lot of time laying on their side. Don't be alarmed if you see this. This is normal behavior for them. Clown loaches are peaceful fish and can be kept in a community tank. They usually swim along the bottom of the aquarium, similar to co...
首页 鱼类辨识 北京 普吉 非凡大师 English 物种字典: Clown loach-Chromobotia macracanthus名称学名:Chromobotia macracanthus英文名:Clown loach分类路径脊索动物门 > 辐鳍鱼纲 > 鲤形目 > 沙鳅科 > Chromobotia 版权所有 ©2018-2020 北京喵潜科技有限公司京ICP备16067121号-1 ...
Clown Loach Habitat and Care Clown loaches are large schooling fish, and they are quite active. You will need a large tank with plenty of space for your loaches to move around. At the same time, however, each and every loach should have several hiding spots available; loaches love enclosed...
Research carried out using 1 month old clown loach juveniles designed intothe Complete Randomized Design in two factors namely are class of fish size S (35-50 mg), M (55-70 mg), L (75-90 mg) and the kinds of live food in the form of Artemia asa control, Moina , mini maggot, ...