Food & Diet Size & Growth Varieties Lifespan Facts The Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus) is a colorful freshwater fish and the only member in the Chromobotia genus. They are highly social fish with fascinating behaviors that liven up most aquariums. You can recognize Clown Loaches by th...
Some forced reproduction through the use of hormones on fish farms in the tropics is rumoured. It is known that they are raised by such methods in the Czech Republic. See: Clown Loach Breeding Notes Clown Loaches are often sold at the very immature size of 1.5 inches (4cm) or so, but...
Research carried out using 1 month old clown loach juveniles designed intothe Complete Randomized Design in two factors namely are class of fish size S (35-50 mg), M (55-70 mg), L (75-90 mg) and the kinds of live food in the form of Artemia asa control, Moina , mini maggot, ...
Their diet consists of dried food, plant matter, crustaceans, and worms. Feeding them live or frozen meaty foods is a good idea. Also, because they are bottom dwellers and have a mouth that faces downward, sinking wafers are good foods for them. They are egglaying fish, but so far breed...
To ensure you see them during the day, have in your tank a school ofTetrasor similar small schooling fish. This makes the Clowns feel more secure and more likely to venture out during the day. The Clown Loach will make clicking sounds when it is feeding on a favourite food. ...
首页 鱼类辨识 北京 普吉 非凡大师 English 物种字典: Clown loach-Chromobotia macracanthus名称学名:Chromobotia macracanthus英文名:Clown loach分类路径脊索动物门 > 辐鳍鱼纲 > 鲤形目 > 沙鳅科 > Chromobotia 版权所有 ©2018-2020 北京喵潜科技有限公司京ICP备16067121号-1 ...
2. I would like to get more Clown Loach for this fish to have others to school with, however my concern is that I do not have room for a tank larger than 300l currently. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated! If i have missed any details please let me know and i will try...
If you've ever seen a school of clownloaches, it's hard to resist bringing a few of them home. It's even harder to imagine that this beautiful fish is eaten as food fish in Indonesia and Borneo, where it grows to over a foot in length. Fortunately for the clown loach, among aquari...
THE UTILIZATION OF THE KINDS OF LIVE FOOD ON CLOWN LOACH FISH JUVENILES (Chromobotia macracanthus Bleeker) Domestication and mass production technology of clown loaches fish have beendeveloped by the Research Institute for Ornamental Fish Culture, Depok and theInstitute de Recherche pour le Developpem...
I have a tropical freshwater tank with guppies, tiger barb, cherry bob, Neon danio, bala shark, and clown loach. All of them are happy together. Can I add a clown fish to the tank? LeahlovesGod Top Answerer No, you cannot. Clown fish are salt water fish and the rest you have ...