No usually these lens kits have inappropriate focal lengths for your situation. It may have "another" 4mm and 25mm eyepieces. The planetary filters are fairly useless. The case is small and only has cutouts for narrow plossl eyepieces. (If it is a fire sale price then maybe it would be...
I know some of the forum members at Cloudy Nights are quite skeptical about the idea, that's why I'm interested in your feedback, remarks, suggestions, or help in finding a manufacturer for some of these eyepieces. Thanks for reading! Robert Scott99, clivemilne, Jethro7 and7 otherslike ...
I was rearranging my eyepieces the other day. Each scope basically has its own case with eyepieces for it. When i was done i realized i really don't need anymore eyepieces. I am still waiting on a AT 25mm Paradigm to show up...which has been on backorder forever. There is a slig...
SVBONY sells eyepieces from under $20 to hundreds of dollars. SVBONY isn’t like TV or Nikon where you know it will be premium quality because that’s all they sell. SVBONY is like most vendors and targets multiple markets. They have very cheap stuff to rather expensive stuff. So like w...
eyepieces will give (I assume because of coma) and I've read on this forum that ultra-wide angle eyepieces can be a no-no too, as well as being ultra-expensive. The 'scope takes 1.25" AND 2" eyepieces, but my budget isn't going to allow for 2" wide or ultra-wide angle eye...
recommendations for a set of eyepieces and a diagonal (which I assume I will need). I need decent eye relief as I will need to wear my glasses when observing myself. Also, I suspect there will be an 8 to 10 inch SCT in my future so it would be nice to use the eyepieces with ...
To meet your criteria, Delites can’t be beaten. I would normally add ‘in my view’, but that’s also the opinion of the majority of users on this forum. Optically, they are as good as complex eyepieces get. #20 RLK1 Skylab ...
Well, maybe not. Personally, I am going to try to not get any additional eyepieces, but I might replace some of the older ones with newer versions. The 7mm and 4.8mm Naglers might be next to be upgraded. If keeping them small, the T1 replacements would be the T6 Naglers. ...
Those are great eyepieces, no question. But maybe not exactly what you need at f/5 focal ratio in this scope. Let other eyepiece experts chime in. You can get a decent set for the cost and be happy until you're at least a month old newbie. (Kidding. ...
Page 5 of 6 - Modern Coma Correcting Eyepieces - posted in Eyepieces: 5mm exit pupils are IMO for light polluted skies. At dark sites I prefer 7mm but 5mm are ok. 42mm field stop obviously is great. The APM UFF with 9 elements is a special case. I dont