Cloudy Nights Announcements Carol Anderson - csa/montana 26 Jan 2025 The Cloudy Nights community lost our Den Mama - Carol Anderson aka csa/montana on Monday, 20 Jan. Carol joined Cloudy Nights in 2005 and volunteered for the the moderator ranks in 2007. She moderated my very first post on...
Our goal at Cloudy Nights is to assist amateur astronomers in better understanding the equipment that goes with the hobby. We strive to accomplish this goal in three ways. by providing a forum for reviews of telescopes and accessories by providing a fo
Astronomy Software & Computers: This is the place to discuss all things associated with computers & gadgets, both hardware and software (including PDAs, smartphones, tablets, laptops, astronomy programs and apps, Celestron SkyScout and Meade MySky device
Page 280 of 286 - Cloudy Nights Introduce Yourself - posted in Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography): Hi everyone, Cindy here. I can still remember the first time I looked through a telescope eyepiece at about 12 years old and saw Jupiter. What a feelin
Page 278 of 279 - Cloudy Nights Introduce Yourself - posted in Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography): Hi all, always being interested in astronomy but finally took the plunge and ordered myself a C5 Schmidt Cassegrain. As I live in a light polluted area
You may want to open an issue in the GitHub project. The Cloudy Nights forum software can be overly restrictive when posting things from log files. If you could, check through the logs at the startup of indi-allsky. See if you see messages like the following ...
Page 4 of 283 - Cloudy Nights Introduce Yourself - posted in Beginners Forum (No Astrophotography): Hello Everybody! I am relatively new here and have been lurking through the threads a little, getting a feel for these forums, and learning some things a
I found numerous times where entire nights' sessions would disappear on SN7 and SN8 even though SkySafari and LiveSky would show them. In the end I wound up abandoning SN8 and went back to SkyTools, a much more mature and stable product with a developer who cares for his product and is...
I use ISIS for my slit spectrographs and I have used it with the Star Analyser but I would not recommend it for a beginner. VSpec works similarly to Rspec which was loosely based on it but it can be temperamental. There was a nice simple program written by someone on this forum which...
new updates coming out- but you don't get hassled to pay more. I go through the file loading process quickly, mostly using the default settings. You can get excellent results and without over-processing artifacts very early on in the learning process. The forum is helpful and the overall ...