Because they form in conditions unfavorable to vertical development, nimbostratus clouds never produce heavy rains or thunderstorms. Nimbostratus clouds are associated with warm fronts, where warm, moist air gradually overrides colder air at the surface. Visibility is very low beneath nimbostratus clouds....
When You'll See Them Cirrus typically occur in fair weather. They can also form out ahead of warm fronts and large-scale storms like nor'easters and tropical cyclones, so seeing them can also indicate storms may be coming. NASA'sEarthdatasite quotes a proverb that sailors learned to warn ...
Observations of precipitating clouds associated with fronts and a cyclone were carried out in Ny-lesund, Svalbard, using a microwave radiometer and other meteorological instruments. Precipitating clouds to the north of a warm front were stratiform and held no liquid water. Precipitating clouds in and...
Why does warm air rise? Explain why squall line thunderstorms often form ahead of advancing cold fronts but seldom behind them. Why is cold air more dense? Why does evaporation lower the temperature of a liquid? How does water vapor get into the atmosphere?
Cold and warm air masses collide Cold fronts moving across the land sometimes collide with warm fronts that usually produce thunderstorms. The cold air mass is heavier and denser than the warm air in a warm front. The cold air pushes its way beneath the warm air forcing it to rapidly rise...
Stratus clouds, in addition to being formed by radiative cooling of a moist clear layer, can be formed by lifting of moist air masses in regions adjacent to fronts or over orography, and by warm advection of a moist layer over a cold surface. ...
If you love tracking the weather, check out this cloud spotter's guide to the many types of clouds associated with severe storms and weather fronts.
8.2K Did you know that ordinary rain and thunderstorms come from completely different kinds of clouds? Learn about nimbostratus clouds, which form at warm fronts and make ordinary rain and snow. Related to this QuestionWhat do nimbostratus clouds produce? What are nimbostratus clouds? What are ...
Cirrus cloud layers arein general statically stable inan absolute sense, with lapse rates less than the moist-adiabatic rates with respect to either water or ice. Some cirrus clouds are located above stable layers, indicating that they are associated with upper-level fronts. ...
Stratus is often confined to within a few hundred meters of the surface, but can exist at many levels often in conjunction with more vertically extensive cloud systems such as warm fronts and mesoscale convective systems (often as stratus fractus). Stratocumulus top heights are typically 500–2000...