Altocumulus are often spotted on warm and humid mornings, especially during summer. They can signal thunderstorms to come later in the day. You may also see them out ahead ofcold fronts, in which case they signal the onset of cooler temperatures. 05 of 10 Nimbostratus Charlotte Benvie/Getty I...
Precipitating clouds in and behind two occluded fronts and a cold front were convective clouds. Precipitating clouds in the centre of a cyclone were also convective, while precipitating clouds behind the cyclone were stratiform. Some clouds contained no liquid water, but others contained a substantial...
Stratus is often confined to within a few hundred meters of the surface, but can exist at many levels often in conjunction with more vertically extensive cloud systems such as warm fronts and mesoscale convective systems (often as stratus fractus). Stratocumulus top heights are typically 500–2000...
In this study, we determined the CVS of the three SCEC cases occurring in the mei-yu fronts over central-eastern China on the basis of the conjunction of the S-band Doppler weather radar, the C-band Frequency Modulation Continuous Wave (C-FMCW) radar, and the Microrain Radar (MRR). Ba...
detached from the storm cloud base. (This is one trick for telling them apart from shelf clouds.) Spotting one is rare, but will tell you where a thunderstorm's gust front or another weather boundary, likecold frontsor sea breezes lay, since these clouds are formed by outflows of cold ...
Explain why squall line thunderstorms often form ahead of advancing cold fronts but seldom behind them. Why does it rain? Why are mandrills called mandrills? Why is Salton Sea called a sea? Why does vapor pressure increase with temperature?Explore...
Cold fronts moving across the land sometimes collide with warm fronts that usually produce thunderstorms. The cold air mass is heavier and denser than the warm air in a warm front. The cold air pushes its way beneath the warm air forcing it to rapidly rise as the cold air pushes through ...
These include rainbands, snowbands, orographic influences, precipitation cores and gaps, split fronts, cold fronts aloft, gravity wave effects and lake effect storms. Polar lows are also described. In the second half of this chapter, the characteristics and processes of middle- and high-level ...
Air is also forced to rise at a weather front. This is due to the differing air masses of the two weather fronts. At cold fronts, cold air is pushed under warm air, forcing it upward and at a warm front, warm moist air is forced up and over the cold air. This process is called...
It has been suggested that high-velocity clouds may be distributed throughout the Local Group and are therefore not in general associated with the Milky Way. With the aim of testing this hypothesis, we have made observations in the Hα line of high-velocity clouds selected as the most likely...