Cloudera Data Engineering 1.23: Access Spark from Your Favorite IDE and Optimize Workflows with Airflow 2.9 and Iceberg 1.5 We are thrilled to share the latest release of Cloudera Data Engineering 1.23 on public cloud. With ... PamelaPan ...
Cloudera 的使命、价值观和文化长期以来一直围绕在开放数据和表格格式上使用开源引擎来帮助客户构建灵活和开放的数据湖。最近,随着Cloudera 数据平台 (CDP) 中 Apache Iceberg的普遍可用性,我们成为第一个也是唯一一个支持同一数据上的多个引擎的开放数据湖库。 为了便于在 Cloudera 数据平台 (CDP) 上开始使用 dbt,我们...
Iceberg also enables us to expose the same data set to multiple different analytical engines, includingSpark,Hive,ImpalaandPresto. I think of Iceberg as an architecture is the next big evolution of the data lake. How have you seen the data lake concept evolve from its origin...
ozone fs is a command line interface similar to “hdfs dfs” CLI that works with HCFS protocols like ofs. Most traditional analytics applications like Hive, Spark, Impala, YARN etc. are built to use the HCFS protocol natively and hence they can use the ofs protocol to access Ozone out of ...