Apache Iceberg on Cloudera. We integrate Iceberg as a first-class citizen, right into ourData Lakehouse. Run high-performance analytics, data engineering, data science, and AI, while bringing the right engine for the right job to your data in place, eliminating data movement and data copies. ...
For Cloudera, the move to support Iceberg is part of the vendor's evolution as it modernizes from its Hadoop roots, where the entire concept of a data lake originated. A data lake, after all, is often defined asHadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)-compatible storage. In...
In this blog post, we are going to share with you how Cloudera Stream Processing (CSP) is integrated with Apache Iceberg and how you can use the SQL Stream Builder (SSB) interface in CSP to create stateful stream processing jobs using SQL. This enables you to maximize utilization of streami...
这可能是因为云迁移的趋势减少了对管理大型本地数据平台的需求。虽然Apache Ambari项目曾经因Hadoop集群管理火爆一时,但在2019年Hortonworks和Cloudera合并后几乎被放弃,最近重新燃起的复苏的小火苗又给它的未来带来一丝希望。但是,它的命运是否长久仍然不确定。 至于资源调度和工作负载部署,Kubernetes似乎是首选的资源调度,...
对于存储层,分布式文件系统和对象存储仍然是服务于本地和基于云的数据湖实施的主要技术基石。尽管HDFS仍然是本地Hadoop集群的主流技术,但Apache Ozone分布式对象存储正在迎头赶上,为本地数据湖存储技术提供了另一种选择。主流商业Hadoop提供商Cloudera现在把Ozone作为其CDP私有云产品的一部分。
Apache Iceberg是一种高性能的开放表格式。它诞生于云端,可扩展到PB级并且独立于底层存储层和引擎存储层。作为一种真正的开放表格式,Apache Iceberg符合ClouderaData Platform(CDP)的愿景。 原因一:多功能分析助力实现数据集共享 Apache Iceberg实现了不同流式传输和处理引擎之间的无缝集成,同时保持了它们之间的数据完整...