botulinum n. [微]肉毒(杆)菌 clostridium n. [生]梭菌, 梭菌属 poisoning n.[U] 中毒 food n. 1.[U] (人或动物所需的)食物,饮料,(植物所需的)养料; 固体食物 2.[C]食品 lead poisoning n. 铅中毒 alkali poisoning 碱中毒 self poisoning 自体中毒 food factor 【医】 食物因素 food...
In this survey, specimens of 73 patients showed the toxin and spore of C.botulinum. Clostridium botulinum type E, was the most common causative agent in food-borne botulism, being responsible for 71.24% of all specimens; other etiologic types, in order of frequency were types A (16.43%) ...
Botulism is a life-threatening food-borne disease that causes neuroparalysis from the consumption of botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs). Botulism is a rare disease but has a high fatality rate even a small amount of toxin can kill millions. Clostridium botulinumcauses intoxication i.e, disease occurs ...
This is another type of food poisoning from the Clostridium family. It also occurs as a result of consuming infected food, in particular chicken and red meat and is as equally as unpleasant as clostridium botulinum.This is the third most common type of food poisoning within the US and the ...
Clostridium botulinum is a typical saprophyte and has been found one of the pathogens leading to serious foodpoisoning. 肉毒梭菌是严重食物中毒的病原菌之一,是一种典型的腐物寄生菌,侵入人及家畜肠道内不能生长繁殖,但在消毒不彻底或污染的罐头、香肠、豆制品等食物中,在厌氧的环境下生长繁殖,并产生强烈的...
[A survey of Clostridium botulinum food poisoning in China] In a review of the subject, the authors show that nitrite play an important role upon stability and safety of cured meat products. In non heated cured meat, they have a synergistic effect together with pH, NaCl concentration and stor...
clostridium botulinumphr. 肉毒梭状芽胞杆菌 Clostridium botulinum肉毒杆菌,肉毒芽孢梭菌 Clostridium botulinum toxoid肉毒杆菌类毒素 Clostridium botulinum food poisoning肉毒杆菌食物中毒 botulinum antitoxin肉毒抗毒素 botulinum toxinphr. 肉毒杆菌毒素 botulinum cook高压蒸煮 ...
It is a disease caused due to food poisoning. It is caused by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. Consuming food poisoned with the botulinum toxin or spores allows people to contract food-borne botulism. The bacteria generate spores and a neurotoxin that thrives on these foods. Vomiting, blurred...
The Botulinum toxin, which is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, works by temporarily paralysing key muscles in the forehead. 肉毒杆菌毒素是由芽孢梭菌肉毒菌产生的。作用原理是暂时麻痹额头的主要肌肉。 5. Botox, the commercial name of botulinum toxin type A, is a ne...
Summary: The Ministry of Environment and Water said no consignments of contaminated dairy products with the bacterium strain known "Clostridium Botulinum", which causes food poisonings, have entered the UAE from New Zealand. 'No entry for contaminated New Zealand milk products' ...