halcon closingcircle参数在Halcon中,closing_circle是一个形态学操作算子,用于对图像进行闭运算。闭运算通常用于连接断裂的线段或者填充小的孔洞。 closing_circle算子的参数包括: 1. Result:输出区域,这是经过闭运算后的结果区域。 2. InputRegion:输入区域,这是你想要进行闭运算的原始区域。 3. Radius:半径,这是...
在 Halcon 中,Closing Circle 是一个常用的形态学操作,用于将一个闭合的圆区域从图像中提取出来。 Closing Circle 的参数包括圆的半径、圆的形状、圆的旋转方向、圆的起始位置和结束位置。其中,圆的半径是指要提取的圆的半径大小,可以通过设置最大和最小值来确定半径的范围。圆的形状包括两种,即水平和垂直方向上...
closing_circle— Close a region with a circular structuring element. Signature Description closing_circlebehaves analogously toclosing, i.e., the regions' boundaries are smoothed and holes within a region which are smaller than the circular structuring element of radiusRadiusare closed. Theclosing_circ...
closing_circle— Close a region with a circular structuring element. closing_circle(Region:RegionClosing:Radius: ) closing_circlebehaves analogously toclosing, i.e., the regions' boundaries are smoothed and holes within a region which are smaller than the circular structuring element of radiusRadius...
例一:毛刺在往外凸的面上 策略1:分割出黑色部分,然后通过开运算去掉毛刺,再通过原黑色部分区域减去开运算之后的区域,得到毛刺部分的区域。 可以看到,虽然毛刺被分割出来了,但是多出了4块干扰的区域。原因是执行opening_circle时,四个尖角被削平了。 开运算是先腐蚀
closing_circle— Close a region with a circular structuring element. Signature closing_circle(Region:RegionClosing:Radius: ) Description closing_circlebehaves analogously toclosing, i.e., the regions' boundaries are smoothed and holes within a region which are smaller than the circular structuring elem...
closing_circle— Close a region with a circular structuring element. Signature closing_circle(Region:RegionClosing:Radius: ) Description closing_circlebehaves analogously toclosing, i.e., the regions' boundaries are smoothed and holes within a region which are smaller than the circular structuring elem...