The state and input sensitivity equations of the continuous-time model are used in computing the nominal closed-loop stability criteria. The nominal stability analysis is extended to the important cases of unmeasured states and uncertain model parameters. A numerical Lyapunov function is used to ...
(if exists) could become significantly conservative. Moreover, if an unanticipated failure occurs, passive FTC can not ensuresystem stabilityand can not reach again nominal performances of the system. Controllers switching underlines the fact that many faulty system representations had to be identify ...
Traditionally, a chemical process is designed using the nominal steady-state values of the operating conditions. In a more realistic situation, process design should accommodate departures from the steady-state conditions. The concept of closed-loop stability requires that the process variables remain ...
One of the salient features is that the anti-windup problem can be posed in a manner which decouples the nominal linear closed-loop from the nonlinear stability problem associated with actuator saturation and the anti-windup compensator... MC Turner,G Herrmann,I Postlethwaite - Springer Berlin ...
AsdiscussedinSection9.2,controlvalvesareusuallydesignedsothattheflowratethroughthevalveisanearlylinearfunctionofthesignaltothevalveactuator.Therefore,afirst-ordertransferfunctionusuallyprovidesanadequatemodelforoperationofaninstalledvalveinthevicinityofanominalsteadystate.Thus,weassumethatthecontrolvalvecanbemodeledas ...
Compared with existing closed-loop identification techniques guaranteeing closed-loop stability, such as the dual Youla parameterization, the dual IOP neither requires a doubly-coprime factorization of the controller nor a nominal plant that is stabilized by the controller. The dual IOP does not ...
13.The scheme with infinite prediction horizon and finite control horizon can guarantee nominal asymptotic closed-loop stability.此方法采用无限预测时域和有限控制时域,既能保证闭环稳定性又易于实现。 14.closed-loop adaptive control circuit闭环自适应控制电路 15.closed-loop computer control system闭环计算机控制...
A new stability criterion... - A general framework for linear periodic systems with applications to H/sup infinity / sampled 被引量: 314发表: 0年 Continuous-time control model validation using finite experimental data The application of robust control theory requires models containing unknown, ...
rithm1)andoftheassociateddecisionmaps.DevelopingIf,e.g.,gissettoalargeenoughconstant,robuststability therecursionweobtaine¯1−kl klk−mek−l,wherewouldbeguaranteed.Howeverifgischosentoolargethen 2anundesirablechatteringphenomenonmightappearwhen Inthiscontextadecisionmapisafunction:01→{−101}which ...
Plant Type— Stability of plant Stable (default) | Integrating Plant Sign— Sign of plant Positive (default) | Negative Signal Amplitudes— Amplitude of perturbations 1 (default) | scalar | vector of length 5Block Tab Reduce memory and avoid task overrun (external mode only)— Deploy tuning al...