Keqi WUYaqiao CAI热科学学报(英文版)Fu Y, Keqi W, Cai Yaqiao.Stability analysis of closedloop water system[J].Journal of Thermal Science, 2006, 15 (02) :152-158.Fu Y, Wu K, Cai Y. Stability analysis of closed-loop water system. Journal of Thermal Science 2006;15(2):152e8....
Closed-loop Stability Analysis of Time-delayed First-order Systems Under Generalized Predictive Control 一阶滞后对象广义预测控制下的闭环稳定性分析 4. Closed-Loop Stability of Dispersed System with Inputting Saturation Nonlinearity 输入具有饱和非线性的离散系统闭环稳定性 5. Close...
In this unit we analyze the stability characteristics of closed-loop systems and present several usefulcriteriafor determining whether a system will be stable. Additional stability criteria based on frequency response analysis are not discussed here. But first we consider an illustrative example of a c...
An analysis of an external Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) with High-Speed Serial (HSS) link to calculate system peaking and stability.
To achieve this objective, a multivariable PI controller is used, this controller is tuned applying the well known Ziegler and Nichols method, and then the maximum time-delay is computed in order to guarantee the stability property of the close loop control system. The work bases its results ...
(Space Vector Modulation)and PI regulation is presented.The magnitude of output current space vector is kept constant to ensure the output currents of MC sinusoidal and balanced under grid dis- turbance.Based on open-loop transfer function,the system stability is analyzed with logarithm frequency ...
Stability theoryplays a significant role in fault-tolerant controller designing and closed loopsystems stabilityanalysis. To useLyapunov stability theorem, Lasalle invariance principle and some other invariance-like theorems, we should firstly construct a energy-like functionV;V˙, the derivative of the...
Steady-state closed-loop structural interaction analysisSTABILITY ROBUSTNESSDISCRETE-TIME POLYNOMIALGEOMETRIC APPROACHThe steady-state closed-loop structural interaction array (SIA) is introduced to define a new measure of control loop interaction in multivariable control systems. The SIA is formulated from ...
In this paper, closed loop system characteristics with an incremental backstepping controller are investigated through theoretical analysis when both measurement biases and model uncertainties exist. Incremental backstepping algorithm is proposed in previous studies to reduce model dependency of classical backstep...
Double-loop control and stability analysis based on three-phase Buck-Boost inverter closed loop system stabilitydouble-loop controlload disturbancesopen loop systemsrenewable energyTo develop and apply renewable energy,one of the key ... J Zhu,L Xiang,S Liu - International Conference on Electrical ...