dic_msg[client_msg[cid]].append(msg)print('client %s,message:%s'%(client_msg[cid], dict(dic_msg)))#回复self.request.sendall('received successfully!'.encode('utf-8'))## 注意socketserver这里不用加close方法## BaseRequestHandler有一个finish的相关的方法if__name__=='__main__': server= ...
While the PING/PONG timer is necessary to satisfy the original requirement, the issue of calling OnClose reliably remains unsolved. When the internal .NET socket is created within FLECK just call Use it with When a connection is now broken, the library correctly throws an error. Of course not...
Using socket.io v1.2.1 (only using the "polling" transport), sometimes my clients experience disconnections. About 50% of the time I getping timeouton my disconnect event callback function, which is reasonable. Other times, I gettransport close,client namespace disconnect,transport errorandforce...
When client disconnects some client worker thread stays working with 100% load in WatsonTcpServer. If i disconnect four times on my 4-core PC then my CPU load goes 100%. VS thread debug window shows that those threads are here: System.Ne...
If closesocket fails with WSAEWOULDBLOCK the socket handle is still valid, and a disconnect is not initiated. The application must call closesocket again to close the socket. If the l_onoff member of the linger structure is nonzero and the l_linger member is a nonzero timeout interval on ...
1. The user called the Close function to turn off the socket. 2. The TCP server received RST packets from the TCP client. 3. TCP retransmission timed out. 4. Failed to perform TCP keepalive detection. Procedure This log message indicates a normal situation, and no action is required.П...
One possible solutions is programming a sufficient delay between the last data sent and the closesocket or shutdown function calls for an ATM socket. Half close is not supported by ATM. Both abortive and graceful disconnects result in a RELEASE signal being sent out with the same cause field...
和同事的联调时碰到一个诡异的问题,server端的业务逻辑层面没有任何异常,但返回结果给client端时,并没有发送完所有的数据,就直接发送了RST给client,导致client读取结果失败。注: client与server直接是短连接,server在write所有的数据后会直接close。 通过tcpdump截包对比之前旧版本正常的client端通信,发送server与旧版本...
main.mysql_client_test. A corresponding debug feature is introduced in the server (close_conn_after_stmt_execute) to facilitate connection teardown. @ sql/sql_prepare.cc The debug feature close_conn_after_stmt_execute will close the current connection (socket, really) after executing the current...