f1 = figure('CloseRequestFcn',''); plot(1:10) Create a second figure with a line plot. Get f2 = figure; plot((1:10).^2) If you try to close the figures using the close all syntax, MATLAB® closes only f2. To close both f1 and f2, use the close all force syntax. Get...
and then closed in the same script. When I run it on the computer the figures close. When I run it online however, the figure contents close but there is a blank figure left that will not close at all. I have to exit Matlab Online and open a new session to ever get rid of them...
f1 = figure('CloseRequestFcn',''); plot(1:10) Create a second figure with a line plot. Get f2 = figure; plot((1:10).^2) If you try to close the figures using the close all syntax, MATLAB® closes only f2. To close both f1 and f2, use the close all force syntax. Get...
Thanks! Matt J on 31 Mar 2024 Edited: Matt J on 31 Mar 2024 Open in MATLAB Online ThemeCopy Hf=createPlot(1:5,rand(1,5)); closePlot(Hf); function fig=createPlot(x,y) fig=ancestor(plot(x,y),'figure'); end function closePlot(fig) close(fig) end Sign...
[HELP] how to close figure automatic. Learn more about real time, digital image processing, face detector, bbox, figure Image Processing Toolbox
UIFigure matlab.ui.Figure Button1 matlab.ui.control.Button Button2 matlab.ui.control.Button app2handle end methods (Access = private) % Button pushed function: Button1 function Button1Pushed(app, event) app.app2handle = app2; end % Button pushed function: Button2 function Button2Pushed(app...
Matlab绘制图中图 | clc; close all; clear%%x = 0:0.01:10;y = sin(x);% Create figurefigure('Color',[1 1 1]);% Create axesaxes1 = axes;hold(axes1,'on');plot(x, y, 'r','linewidth',2);xlabel('x','Interpreter','latex','FontName','Time New Roman','FontSize',12);...
classdef delete function and figure... Learn more about matlab classdef figure callbacks, gui, class, oop
I try in app designer to disable a close button of a figure that can be open when you click on a button and open a dialog box when the user tries to close a figure Here is the function that I used and put at the beginning of App Designer....
Bug report Bug summary In an interactive session with a wxpython PyShell, closing a matlotlib figure by clicking on the 'x' in upper right corner causes the python shell to freeze for a few seconds, then it exits without any error messag...