clc % clear screen clear all % clear all variables close all % close all figures % import original image Image_orig=imread('lena_gray_512.tif'); % if image is a color image, convert it to grayscale try Image_orig=rgb2gray(Image_orig); catch end %show the original image subplot(1,2...
% clear clc; clear; close all; % close all figures/windows % figure hFigure = figure(1); set(hFigure, 'position',[100 100 600 400]); % axes hAxes = axes('parent',hFigure); set(hAxes, 'units','pixels', 'position',[0 0 600 400]); % image matrix imgMatrix = ones(400,600...
This is a variant of "close all figures except those listed" ( In this version you first tag the figures that you want to keep. Then, at anytime during the code, you can close all th...
(11) Figures:控制在桌面系统中显示或隐藏图形窗口。(12)Web Brower:控制在桌面系统中显示或隐藏Web Brower窗口。(13)Variable Editor:控制在桌面系统中显示或隐藏工作空间变量编辑窗口。(14)File and Directory Comparisons:控制在桌面系统中显示或隐藏文件和目录比较窗口。(15)Toolbar:控制在桌面系统中显示或隐藏工具...
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.) imtool close all; % Close all imtool figures if you have the Image Processing Toolbox. clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want. workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing. ...
close all; % 关闭所有数字(不包括imtool的数字。) imtool close all; % Close all imtool figures. workspace; % 关闭所有固定工具的数字 fontSize = 20; format compact; baseFileName = '附件B.jpg'; % 获取完整的文件名,并添加路径 fullFileName = fullfile( baseFileName); ...
close all; % 关闭所有数字(不包括imtool的数字。) imtool close all; % Close all imtool figures. workspace; % 关闭所有固定工具的数字 fontSize = 20; format compact; baseFileName = '附件B.jpg'; % 获取完整的文件名,并添加路径 fullFileName = fullfile( baseFileName); ...
close all; % Close all figures (except those of imtool.) clear; % Erase all existing variables. Or clearvars if you want. workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel is showing. format long g; format compact; fontSize = 20; % Check that u...
close all% close all figures, but Clustergram 1 must be closed manully. tic % start timing %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Initial input area for normal users or beginners fn= 'olivephenolics';% input the excel file name in the '' area, olivephenolics can be replaced by user's excel file ...