set_clock_gating_style -sequential_cellnone-negtive_edge_logic {and} 如下图,-sequential_cell none指定latch-free模式,但是cell_list却指定了latch、and/or, 这种情况下,DC工具仍然会综合出latch-based clock-gating的电路。 2) {integrated}用于表明使用下降沿触发的ICG单元。如下图所示,该ICG单元就是一个pr...
set_clock_gating技术通过在不需要时钟信号时关闭时钟门,以减少时钟信号的输出,从而达到降低功耗的目的。这种技术通常应用于需要周期性唤醒和睡眠的设备,如移动设备、服务器等。 1. 了解需求:在使用set_clock_gating之前,需要了解设备的具体需求,确定需要控制的时钟信号以及控制方式。 2. 查找支持:在设备中查找是否有...
The novel approach we have a tendency to square measure aiming to style the circuit supported look ahead clock gating that is to be used for the temporal arrangement constraints for every clock pulses. The facultative clock pulses for the derived temporal arrangement signals to the gated logic ...
aThe architecture team and RTL design team should have the same set of design rules in the product development. For example, the clock gating rules, the power gating rules, the rules on the use of reset, the sequential coding style (behavior based vs. structure macro based.) 建筑学队和RTL...